Chapter 19

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I woke in the safety of Taylor's arms, tightly encircled to his chest. I felt his chest rise and fall in synchronisation with his slow, deep breathing. He was still asleep. I snuggled closer into his chest and his arm subconsciously tightened around me. I loved this feeling; the feeling that Taylor and I were made for each other.

This feeling couldn't compare at all to anything I'd felt to Chad when we were together. In spite of my thoughts, I couldn't help but think that the responsible thing to do was to be with Chad again. If I did so, then I'd be a responsible mother, raising her child in the home where both parents lived happily.

But it wouldn't be happy.

Knowing Chad, he'd go back to his abusive ways, probably harming the baby along the way.

I shuddered at the stupid and idiotic thought of ever leaving Taylor. This would be how Chad wanted me to feel; confused and vulnerable. It would make his mission of being with me again successful. I was determined to make those plans of his fail.

I hid my head in Taylor's side, trying to block out the crazed Chad and his actions yesterday.

Taylor must have noticed my mood change for he began to whimper and pout in his slumber. I kissed his bare chest where I could reach, and after numerous repetitions, his face began to relax and a smile replaced his pout. I felt that I could lie here forever and watch him sleep peacefully.

But, of course, my bladder had other ideas. I sighed and manoeuvred my way out of Taylor's embrace, being careful not to wake him. I noticed I was still dressed in the clothes I wore yesterday, and so I quickly changed before crossing the hall to the bathroom.

I did what I had to do and decided to let Taylor sleep in, so I headed downstairs. When I got in the lounge room, Dad, Becky and Dallas were all sitting on the couch, watching the Sunday morning news.

"Morning everyone," I said, sitting in the armchair.

"Morning old one," Dallas replied, turning to grin at me.

"Hey, I'm still younger than you Dallas," I said.

"Yeah, but at least I don't have grey hairs," he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes and addressed all three of them, "Thanks for the charms guys. It means a lot to me."

They all smiled, Dad the first to speak, "You're most welcome. When Taylor brought up the fact that he was getting you a charm bracelet, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to put one on it ourselves."

"Well, I really love it. It's perfect," I marvelled over each charm; the tiny little representations meant a great deal more to me.

Becky smiled and reached over to pat my hand. I smiled back at her, wishing she was my biological mother.

To prevent tears, I got up off the couch and went to exit the room. "I'm going to bring all the things in," I called over my shoulder.

I didn't realise how many boxes and toys there were until I tried picking them all up at once. I gave up and reluctantly accepted the fact that I would have to make at least two trips. I piled up most of the boxes - including the camera, baby monitors and dummies - and went to take them upstairs.

In the kitchen, I was stopped when Taylor came out of nowhere and wrapped his arms around me. I managed to put the boxes on the counter so they wouldn't drop to the floor and break.

I heard quick sobs escape his throat. "What's wrong, Tay?"

"When I woke up, you weren't there next to me and I thought Chad had taken you away from me," he pulled me tighter, "I was so scared."

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