Chapter 02

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I walked out of school in a daze. I couldn't believe what had happened at lunch time was real. When arms wrapped around my waist on my way to the buses, lunch time's events were confirmed. Chad stopped us both and kissed me for what seemed to me as way too short. He chuckled and raced away.

I didn't know why he'd run away, but I then saw Dallas walking towards me, and guessed that he was the reason. I could see that Dallas was grinding his teeth as he came closer into my view. He grabbed my arm and towed me to the buses where we met our sister Elladora, who was in year seven.

"Hi guys," Ellie greeted us, but she paid us no attention as she was intently reading one of her books.

"What the hell do you think you're doing kissing Chad McMurray?!" He screeched. I searched our surroundings to see if anyone had heard him, but they all seemed too involved in holiday activity discussions.

"What does it matter to you Dallas?"

"Well, you're my sister, probably my favourite but don't tell the others," he grinned, "and I know that Chad is not a good person for you to be with. Do you know what he does to pretty girls like you?"

"No, I don't. Enlighten me, oh wise one."

"He's a player, Nasettia. All he does is sleep with girls and then leave them the very next morning. I don't want him to do that to you," Dallas' voice was full of worry, dedication and protection.

"Oh, calm down Dallas. Do you think I'm stupid enough to let him do that to me?" I had to admit it, I truly wanted to sleep with Chad, but this news made me feel more hesitant about it.

"I know you're not stupid, Nasettia, but he's deceiving, and he's a cruel man on the inside."

"Well, if you think this way towards him, then why the hell are you friends with him?" I'd like to see how he explained himself there.

"He's different around us guys, but when it comes to him and girls, he's a total arsehole."

That made me shut up for a moment.

"Hey, you guys coming or do you two want to walk home?" Ellie shouted to us as she got up and boarded the bus with the others.

Dallas and I were the last to get on the bus - something that everybody avoided. There was only room for us to squeeze in with Ellie. We would all usually fit on the two seats, but Ellie refused to move over the tiniest bit, so I had to either stand or sit on Dallas's lap. I chose to sit on Dallas. The ride home wasn't really that long.

When the driver pulled up at our stop, which was only two houses away from our place we called home, the three of us got off - this was the start of the holidays.

I walked passed Dallas who was busy playing some portable gaming device and said, "Oh, and by the way, when Chad comes to get you for Jack's party tonight, he said he'd come and get me too."

That woke him up. "The hell you are!" He protested. "That'd be the place he'd take advantage of you, Nasettia!"

When I didn't reply, he started threatening me, "I'll tell Mum. So help me, I will."

I scoffed at his threat. Mum wouldn't give a damn about what I was planning to do. She'd probably encourage me with my plans.

I walked up the stairs and headed to the communal bathroom where I started to get ready for the night that would go down as the most perfect one yet.

* * *

It was about 6.00pm when the family sat down in the lounge room to eat dinner and watch television. The Simpsons was insisted by the younger siblings, and so that was what we got to watch.

That Was Unexpected! (Unexpected, #1)Where stories live. Discover now