Chapter 15

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Before I knew it, it was Christmas Eve. Living in Australia, there was no snow covering the yards, roof tops or roads. Instead, everyone was sweating like crazy under the blistering summer sun.

It was late afternoon, and I was sitting outside on the back decking with Dad and Taylor whilst Becky was inside cooking 'the most perfect Christmas dinner' and therefore didn't want any of us inside for it would ruin the surprise. Dad was sitting at the table, working on a crossword puzzle, whilst I was lying on the couch with my head resting in Taylor's lap. It was a relaxing afternoon, but it was still extremely hot.

I was thinking about tomorrow and what it would bring while Taylor was stoking my face and playing with my hair. For Christmas, when Dad and Becky had asked what I'd wanted, I put on a brave mother's face and asked for things which I could use for the baby. Things like baby furniture, clothes and money to buy these things. They thought that it was a most practical idea, and therefore I knew what they would be giving me for Christmas.

Taylor, on the other hand, had kept his mouth shut whenever I'd asked him. He would always pull his mouth shut and try not to laugh. That then compelled me to keep his present - random decorative items for his car - a secret from him. It didn't really help the situation that he had seen those exact items hidden at the top of my wardrobe. He would pretend that he didn't see them, but I still wanted to surprise him on Christmas Day somehow.

I must have fallen asleep because Taylor was trying to wake me with gentle shakes and the constant repetition of my name. "Nas? Nas?"

I shook my head to rid of the tiredness and slowly sat up from resting my head on Taylor's lap. The sun was setting beyond the mountains, and with daylight savings time, that meant it would be about 8.00pm. I sat up and looked at Taylor through sleepy eyes.

He chuckled lightly and then explained his reasons for awaking me, "I have to go home tonight Nassy. Mum and Dad want me home early morning," I could see in his eyes that he was strongly opposed to his parents' requests, "so I'd better leave now. But, I'll be here at around 10.00am or something to pick you up for Christmas lunch. Afterwards, I can bring you back here, and as your father and Becky have requested, I will share Christmas dinner with you." He said the words; they came in one ear... but continued through and out the other. I'd already heard this countless times, so this information wasn't new to me. It only reminded me that I would have to spend a night alone from Taylor - something I hadn't done since we stayed together the night after the beach.

He could see in my eyes that I didn't want him to go. Dad must have been inside, for Taylor brought his face to mine and kissed me - something he would never do in front of Dad. Dad was only beginning to accept Taylor holding my hand and sleeping in my bed. Becky of course, was fine with it all.

Taylor continued to kiss me, but he didn't proceed the way he had done the other day where the movements had reminded me of Chad. In fact, he hadn't brought up that idea of seeing Chad since that day. I was thankful to that, but I knew he was still going to follow through on his plans.

He pulled away - too soon, of course - and saw me pout. He lightly laughed and pecked me on the lips before saying, "I love you."

"I love you too," I said, breathless, "Do you really have to go?" Although I knew I'd see him tomorrow, the time apart would seem to be forever.

"I do, but honestly, I don't want to. But, this will probably be the last Christmas morning I share with them for a few years," he looked at me as if I knew the reason for that, which I did - me and the baby, "so I thought I'd leave them with a memorable one this year." He kissed my forehead once more before rising from the couch and walking me to the front door. "I'll see you," he touched my nose with his index finger, "tomorrow."

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