Chapter 09

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The next morning, I was afraid to open my eyes. I remembered that Taylor had taken me into his bedroom where I remember falling asleep, content in his arms. I still felt tired, and so I sighed and rolled over to get another hour's sleep.

When I rolled over, I felt the bed slipping from beneath me - or was it me rolling off the bed? I was convinced of the latter because arms wound around me and pulled me back before I could fall. I found myself lying in the comforting arms of Taylor. Here, I felt peaceful.

I couldn't hold back the urge to open my eyes and look at him. I did so, and he smiled back.

"Good morning - or should I say good afternoon - sleepy-head," he leaned down and kissed my forehead where his warm lips lingered on my skin.

"Afternoon?" I asked as I stretched my arms out. I heard most of my joints clicking.

"Yeah, it's already 4.00pm. You've slept for over twelve hours," he answered.

"Wow," I said, amazed. I suddenly remembered what Taylor was planning to do today since he was now eighteen. "Have you been for your driving test yet?"

"Yep," he replied proudly, "I passed it easy!"

"Congratulations!" I cheered.

He stared into my eyes. I could see that he was holding back on something that he really wanted to do.

Suddenly, I felt my bladder urging me to use the bathroom.

"I have to use the bathroom," I told him as I sat up. I stretched my spine before standing up.

When I stood up, the sharpest of pains ran through my pelvic bone. "AH!" I screeched. I clutched my abdomen and fell backwards onto the floor. Damn pregnancy cramps.

"Nas?! What's wrong Nas?!" Taylor yelled as he ran to my side. I'd curled up into a ball on the floor now, trying to relieve the cramps. He pulled my eyelids up and I had no idea what he was planning to achieve by that.

"Taylor, I'm fine," I gasped between pain streaks, "It's only cramping."

"Oh, thank God," he replied, truly relieved. He seemed to want to start joking about this, "I thought my first drive would be to Geelong hospital," he laughed.

"Hilarious," I gasped. The pains weren't going away, but they were bearable now. "Do you think you could help me up now? Or do you want to continue making fun of me for things that I can't control?"

"Sorry," he said as he bent down to lift me up. He set me straight on my feet, and the pain had somewhat subsided. "Are you sure that you're okay?" he asked, truly concerned.

"I'm fine, but can you help me walk to the bathroom?" I asked. I wasn't sure whether the cramps would let me walk or not.

"Sure," he said as he wrapped his arm around my waist and towed me to the bathroom.

He waited outside the door whilst I did what I had to do. He told me that nobody was home - Mr and Mrs Elliott had both gone to work and Courtney had gone down to Geelong to go shopping with Sophie and Hayley. She was apparently going to wake me but Taylor had insisted that I slept.

When I came out the door, Taylor offered to help me walk, but I told him that I was fine now. That didn't stop his hands from hovering around me, ready to catch me if I were to fall.

"Do you want to sleep some more?" he asked as we walked down the hall to his bedroom.

I yawned and nodded my head. He chuckled and lay down next to me on his bed. I rested my head on his shoulder and he put his right arm around my shoulders. I sighed contently and he kissed my forehead once, twice, three times.

That Was Unexpected! (Unexpected, #1)Where stories live. Discover now