Chapter 24

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When it was a reasonable hour, we called everyone. As I held a sleeping Tahlia, Taylor got his phone out and dialled my home number. I felt his eyes watching me marvel over Tahlia as he waited for someone to answer on the other end of the phone line.

"Becky?" he asked after the phone was answered.

He paused whilst she said something.

Taylor smiled at me before answering her. "I'm calling to tell you Rebecca, that you are now officially a grandmother."

Another pause.

"Yes, Becky, I'm serious. Nas went into labour during the night and delivered very early this morning," he said as he ran his finger lightly across Tahlia's pouted lips. The corners of her small mouth twitch into a small smile under his touch.

I heard Becky scream on the other end of the phone before she called out to Dad. She said something more calmly to Taylor, for he answered:

"She's a little girl; Tahlia Kaitlyn," he had nothing but complete awe through his voice.

The room was silent, so I could vaguely hear Becky marvel over that fact.

"Anyway Becky, I've got to go and call the others. Be sure to come down as soon as you can."

Yet another pause.

Taylor laughed lightly and replied, "Okay, we'll see you two then."

He hung up the phone and turned my face so that I was looking into his chocolate eyes. "Don't forget about me, now that Tahlia's in the world." He grinned as I rolled my eyes at him.

He brought his face to mine and gave me a kiss full of passion and love. We were interrupted when a nurse pulled back the curtain.

"Sorry," she said, truly looking apologetic, "but I have to check the machines. Sorry."

"Nah, it's okay," Taylor said as he stood up, "I'll get out of your way."

The young nurse looked guilty as she thanked Taylor for moving. She went to the machines and started taking notes in her clipboard.

Before she left, I spoke up about the issue of a rather full bladder. "Umm, I need to use the bathroom."

"Of course," she said, as she removed the pulse recorder from my finger. She also removed other things which I still had no idea what they were.

"Tay," I called and he came forward to lift Tahlia from my arms. We managed to move her without waking her. He was so deeply overwhelmed by the miracle that she was that the nurse had to help me off the bed, seeing as I was still in a moderate amount of pain.

"Jeez, Tay. And you worry about me forgetting you," I shook my head lightly and dodged a mock punch he aimed at me. "No hitting. It's a bad influence on Tahlia." I laughed to myself - he wouldn't be able to get away with half the things he used to do, now that I had the responsible mother excuse.

He rolled his eyes as the nurse led me in the direction of the bathroom. As we reached the vacant facility, she directed for me to go in as she waited outside. She obviously had to connect me back to the machines afterwards.

When I went to wash my hands, I noticed my reflection in the mirror. I had almost no bump whatsoever. It was just a lot of saggy skin and fat that I'd gained. I would've done a happy dance there and then if there wasn't this aching still in my pelvic region.

I walked back out into the ward where there were three other women with curtains pulled around them. Before we reached my bed, the nurse told me, "When your baby wakes, call the midwife and she'll help you to feed her. And if you're planning on breastfeeding her, then she'll help you with that also."

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