Chapter 08

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The days that followed my night at the Elliott household only got better. My feelings for Taylor had only become stronger each day. I couldn't help myself from flirting with him whenever we were together - even though I still wasn't ready for a relationship.

I had developed a very slight roundness over my abdomen and a lot of people at school now knew. Mostly, everyone was okay about it, but there was still the odd person who had a huge aversion to it.

"Eww, you fucking slut," a girl from my class had said once the news had reached her.

Courtney had defended me, "Well, Tiffany, at least she's capable of being a mother! You'd probably eat your baby because you wouldn't know what to do with it!"

There were many comments throughout each day, and sometimes someone would come up to me and ask to feel the baby-bump. I kept telling them that it doesn't kick yet, and they all turned around disappointed.

Taylor would always lighten the mood on the bus ride home if I'd had a bad day. It was hard to get my head around the fact that this was his last year at school, and then he'd be going to university or something. I couldn't imagine school without him.

Often, when Taylor was at work, I'd tag along and talk to him at the registers. Twice, the manager had to escort me out of the building, leaving Taylor in laughing hysterics.

As the last two weeks of term approached, I couldn't help but notice the changes that had happened in three months.

My morning sickness was slowly fading and I'd been to the doctors for a check-up. He'd reported that the baby was in perfect health. It was all I could ask for.

It was Thursday of the second-last week of term and I was waiting at the bus stop for Courtney and Taylor to arrive.

After what seemed like an eternity, Mr Elliott pulled up at the bus stop and dropped off my two best friends.

"Hey Nas," the both greeted in unison.

"Hey guys," I replied. I couldn't help but smile tentatively to Taylor. Courtney had seen the 'chemistry' between Taylor and me, but she didn't seem to mind.

"Hey Nas, can I ask you something?" Taylor asked, walking over to stand in front of me. He was incredibly tall that I had to strain my neck so I could look into his hypnotizing eyes.

"Of course you can. You can ask me anything," I replied, probably too loudly.

"Tomorrow, as you very well know, is my eighteenth birthday and I'm having family and stuff over for dinner. I'd really like you to come," he announced.

He smiled his gorgeous smile and it would have been impossible to deny, even if I'd wanted to.

"That'd be great. Thanks," I answered. "So, what, you're not having a big party or anything to celebrate this aging milestone?" I was only teasing, and he knew it, but his answer was serious.

"No, because if I did, I wouldn't want you to come," he looked into my eyes. I was confused as to why he would say this, when he continued; "Only because there'd be alcohol and stuff, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you or the baby were hurt."

"Oh." When he put it that way, he was one-hundred percent correct. I wouldn't drink alcohol, but that wouldn't stop other partiers from drinking, becoming drunk, and I could only imagine what sort of behaviour they would demonstrate to a pregnant fifteen year-old.

"So, you'll come then? To dinner tomorrow night?" he sounded really eager.

"Of course." At that, the bus pulled up and we continued the day routinely.

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