Chapter 2: The Cursed School

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Jen hurriedly dragged me back to our classroom. I dont have any idea what's going on. It seems like she was offended by what the girl said about her.

"Jen, im sorry. Im really confused. What the heck is going on?", I asked. Her face was reddening, but she kept holding my hand.

"It's always like this for me, David.", she said. "Those judgmental people who did nothing but to bully me." She was almost sobbing.

When we get back to our classroom, she just bowed to her desk for a long time. When I tried to ask her, she would just give me a weak, but kind smile.

"David.. please leave me at peace for now, okay? I'll talk with you later, I promise.


3 days had passed. Me and Jen became best friends already. The days went on as normal as they could. But I noticed a lot of things.

Whenever Jen tried to control the class from too much noisiness as the president of the class, she was always being ignored and if not, they shot her with angry eyes. I even heard some girls whispering to each other that Jen is a nightmare of this school, and their family is cursed.

"That good-for-nothing ghoul is nothing but a trash here. She doesn't even belong on this school."

"I know right! Jennifer whatever, thinking she's all high and mighty here because of her dead sister."

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAID!?", Jen yelled at that girl and clutched her collar high.

"Jennifer, you're.. choking me up!", the girl replied. Jen let go of her then slapped her hard. "DON'T-YOU-EVER-INSULT-MY-SISTER!!"

"How dare you slapped our friend!", the friends of that girl retaliated and they are beating her!

I came to her rescue and separated Jen from them, "THATS ENOUGH! Leave her alone!"

"You bitch.. you even ditched David to the likes of you!", another girl said.

I looked at Jen and I could almost cry. She was crying, her hair ruffled so much, and there is blood on her mouth.

I approached her and put her arms on my shoulders, "Jen, its me. I'll get you outside okay? Just hang in there."


I put a band-aid on Jen's right cheek because it bled from a scratch from their fight earlier.

"David, why are you doing this?", she asked sadly. "Go back to the classroom. I can handle myself."

"No freaking way i'll leave you behind and let them hurt you, Jen.", I said as I pulled a comb from my bag and combed her ruffled hair. "You're my first friend, after all. You're special to me."

Bit by bit, she were smiling as I continued to comb her hair straight again.

"There! You look pretty again, Jen", I cheered her up. "Dry up your tears."

But I found myself to be the one who wiped it. Jen blushed, "Oh David. You're embarassing me!"

We laughed softly together and her eyes lit up a bit, "Thank you so much, David. I never expected that someone can still be here for me, after what I had experienced."


Dismissal Time.

Classes are finally finished. Just one more day tomorrow and its weekend!

When I was preparing my things, Jen nudged me.

"Jen? Whats wrong?"

"David? Please come with me this time. I want to show you something."

In Loving Memory Of Lucy CarmelWhere stories live. Discover now