Chapter 3: Death of a Student

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I am at home now. I still can't believe some of what Jen has told me about. But I have decided, I am going to help her and her sister no matter what.

While I was studying for the night, Jen sent me a text message.

"Umm.. David?"

I smiled and replied, "Jen? Something wrong? Did you ate already?"

"Yes. I can cook, you know. Its enough to keep me alive. I just want to know. Do you.. have time tonight?"

"Of course, Jen. Are you sure you're okay?"

After a few minutes, I received a long message.

"David, I just feel so happy when you talk with me. I feel so much alive than before when everyone almost scorned me. Im beginning to lose my mind like my sister was. The previous students on the school said so themselves. I am so lonely in my life. So.. umm.. I am really glad to meet someone like you that I can talk to. I am really glad."

"Well, Jen. I am always here for you as your friend! Dont be sad anymore okay? We'll soon figure out a way to find out why Lucy was killing students. My hunch is that it wasn't completely her ghost who were haunting the school. Maybe it was just her hatred that caused her to be a vengeful spirit. I'll study more of this and investigate. After all, a vengeful ghosts do not know everything about their lives. All of their memories are missing and they usually haunt the place in search of the reason why they died. On Lucy's case, her deep hatred remains on her ghost that caused the horror inside the school.", I replied.

"Maybe, David. That was a nice theory. But.. im so tired right now. Umm, its embarassing to say, but please dont stay up late and sleep now. I.. um.. want you to be early tomorrow."

"Why?", I asked.

"Well.. its just that I miss you now. Good night!!"

I blushed at her message and I smiled for several hours on bed until I fell asleep.


"Prof. Kim? Please excuse us. We have an emergency meeting.", said a teacher frantically while Prof Kim was in the middle of teaching us.

Everyone was tensed about this. The face of that teacher was horrified and she was panicking a little.

"Yes. I am coming.", said Prof. Kim to the teacher.
"Okay class, answer page 69 on your Math book. Once I came in, we will check."

She went away with the teacher and so we were left alone.

Some of my classmates started making noises. I looked at Jen and I saw that she was looking at me. When I saw her, she immediately looked through her Math book and frantically flipped the pages.

"Hey Jen," I called to her.

She looked startled and gave me a smile, "W-what is it?"

"Is there something wrong? You're avoiding my direction."

Jen blushed furiously, "N-n-no! I-idiot. Im just busy at Math class."

"What do you think has happened? That teacher earlier was looking so terrified at something.", I said to her.

Jen tapped both her cheeks frantically and calmed herself down. She pushed her desk much more closer to mine so that we can speak much more clearer. But, as always, some girls behind us whispered together and they were making fun again at Jen.

Jen didn't mind them and we started. "David? Could it be what I had just told you yesterday?"

I tried to remember everything she said to me yesterday and one thing popped to my mind, "You mean.. someone was killed by Lucy?"

She looked at me seriously and said, "Probably. I told you. And if we were right, it means that.."

She paused for a while intentionally. Maybe to make me even more tensed.

"What is it Jen? Come on and tell me already."

She put her mouth beside my left ear and whispered, "You better pray that we weren't right, David. It is said that this happened last year. It is possible that that thing could happen again this year."

"What is it already? Be straight now, Jen. Dont give me suspense I am already freaking out."

"It is said that once a report that someone died here, the curse of my sister will start."

"What is the curse?"

"The curse is that.. she will kill everyone who thinks bad about her, and those who still disrespect her soul. Last year, it was stated that almost 100 students were brutally killed. Police have worked so hard to find the murderer, but they discovered nothing. The corpses show that they were shocked and the expression on their faces was like when they saw a ghost. Hearing the reports of my sister's frequent appearance to some students, the police and the others concluded that it was her who was murdering the students. After one student have been reported that he or she died, the next one will happen day after day. All the priests available were already summoned to exorcise her soul but they were possesed and the people who were possessed witnessed the pain and suffering my sister went through on the moment she was dying. The priest had cried afterwards and were so horrified that no one ever dared to exorcise her again."

I felt like I was washed with cold water. Could it be true?

I hope not.


Oh no. After Prof. Kim entered our class, she announced that someone in the campus died. It was a second year high school girl. She was found on the entrance of the dark corridors. But, she's almost never recognized because of her horrible shape.

Her arms were split, her skull was cracked, her insides was coming out of her tummy, and there is blood splattered from all ceiling.

Prof. Kim were still throwing up when she told us that. Our class had an early dismissal.


As expected, the place where the dark corridors was was filled with curious people. Jen and I squeezed our way in and so we found a lump of meat that was hard to be recognized as a human before. Only bones, blood, and her insides could be seen. There is the ID card of the student beside her. The police took it out and put it on a plastic bag. They cleared us out because they said that we are interfering with their investigation.

"Its obvious.", someone beside us said. It was Michelle. I didn't knew this thing about her. This time, she was so serious that she looks so different from the time that I first met her.

"What's obvious?", I asked.

She looked at me mysteriously and said, "Its Lucy. She will start killing students again. If we didn't find a way to put her soul to peace, this will continue, and on the worst scenario, the 100 student record could be 1000, or even higher."

Then Jen faced her, "So you also knew? You have some spiritual sense."

"Yes," said Michelle. "Ever since I saw my sister on that state last year, my third eye has been awoken. My sister was traumatized and were now invalid. I can see Lucy almost everyday on the entrance of the Dark Corridor. Every night I cant stop crying because I can always remember her bloody and scary form. I cant sleep very well. I hate her. I really hate her.."

Then she walked out.

Jen dragged me again on the back part of the building, on the place where Lucy died. This is our place when we need some peace and silence.

"This is getting worse  David! Oh I dont know what to do! What if they also hurt me?", said Jen frantically with teary eyes.

I hugged her tight and said, "Dont worry. I'll be here for you. You have nothing to worry about. I will protect you."


In Loving Memory Of Lucy CarmelWhere stories live. Discover now