Strange Events

810 27 1

Johnson ^ ^


The outside world was much louder than inside.

The blinking stars light up the dim dark sky, the howl of the owl was heard in the distance as it comes alive. The cold, night breeze entered the room through the open windows of the room. The rustle of the leaves and branches was heard as the wind shook it.

The people inside the room was as silent as can be. Each of their eyes, shifting from two people.

"You deserve it," Thalia blurted out and Adriano - whom she had met earlier when he was groaning in pain on the floor - glared at her from across the room when he heard what she said.

"Thalia," Mariano called her name in warning. He was currently seated next to Thalia on the bed while Sylvester sat on her other side. Johnson, Xerxes, and Adriano whom Thalia also met earlier were located across from them. Johnson and Xerxes being on guard in case their friend attack the girl on the bed.

While Mariano and Sylvester made sure to guard her against the fiery red head that was throwing daggers at her with his eyes.

Mariano decided to break the silence and divert their attention away from the angry red head and Thalia. He cleared his throat and all eyes snapped at him, except for Adriano who was still glaring at Thalia.

"Why are you here?" Mariano spoke out, his voice was reserved but calm.

"To spread herpes," Johnson joked with a straight face. Thalia snapped her head towards him and looked at him with a shock expression. Johnson responded with a wink and pursed his lips to her, gesturing for a kiss. Thalia blushed and turned her head back to Mariano who had been staring at her with a frown.

Mariano turned his attention back to his friends, "Give me the real reason why or else I will kick you all out of here." He hissed at them.

Johnson and Xerxes exchanged weary glances, unsure of what they will tell their friend. They made a silent agreement and Xerxes was about to reply when someone cut in before him. "Sylvester told us everything and we decided to help a friend in need," Adriano drawled, still clutching the ice pack inside his pants to ease the throbbing pain in it. The other two guys nodded their head in agreement.

Mariano sighed and turned his head to face Sylvester, "Do you plan on making my life a living hell?"

Sylvester lazily looked at Mariano shrugged, "You signed yourself for this. Bringing her in this was of pure selfish reason and you know it," His arm crawling around Thalia's waist, he brought her closer to him which made Thalia jumped from the suddenness of his actions. Mariano sneered at him and tried to pry away his hand from Thalia, who she was silently blushing like mad.

"Get your hands off  of her, you mutt!" Mariano growled and ripped his hand away from Thalia, he grabbed her and brought her flush against him. He placed his arms around her protectively, but still barring his fangs towards his friend.

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