Don't Look Back

436 15 1

A few hours earlier...

Thalia paced around the room, almost making a hole in the floor.

Her mind was in a battle. Second thoughts were clouding her brain, while the rational part of her wanted her to continue with her plan.

To go home or stay?

If she wanted to go home, this was her chance. With all of the guys trusted her enough to leave her all alone with no guard or restrictions whatsoever. She could walk out the front door without anyone stopping her, she could steal one of Adriano's expensive cars and drive back to her family. There was only one flaw in that plan of hers - she doesn't know how to drive.

If she stayed, she will be able to keep seeing those blue eyes of his shine with happiness and amusement, the way his pearly white teeth with his sharp fangs shows when he smiles brightly at him.

Thalia shook her head furiously and scolded herself when she was caught herself imagining the man who she should never think of ever again. He might be a handsome man but he was still her kidnapper and he let her starved for three days straight and wanted to surrender her to a Lucy Liu wannabe.

Feeling determined and confident, she marched to the window and slid the glass window open. She took one more glance in the room and her face flashed sadness for a moment, before shaking her head and climbing over it.

One foot over and then another, then she was sitting in the open window. She lifted her hips before slowly lowering herself to the ground. Her legs swung a bit, trying to find the ground underneath her feet. Then landing with a jump on the ground, before closing the window again.

She looked around before taking long strides to walk away when she was at a safe distance from the big house, she took off her large slippers that she stole from one of Adriano's shoe closet for temporary footwear and ran with all her might.


That's what she felt for a moment.

Then the urge to look back was strong but her self-determination was stronger. She pushed herself to speed up more, running on a damp and cold road without any interruption from any cars or people. There was only her and she was all alone.

Thalia felt grateful for that. She programmed her mind to run and never to stop until she was out of breath because she knew that her self-control would fall and she will find herself running back to a place where she shouldn't be in.

Thalia reminded herself over and over again that they were horrible monsters with no heart and they took her away from her life and family.

Tears ran down her cheeks, but it slides away from her face because of the cold wind that hits her face. She wiped them all away whilst running like she is being chased by a psycho murderer. Her legs were starting to hurt but she keeps forcing herself to run.

Her legs suddenly buckled and her body slumped to the ground, she landed ungracefully. Thalia found herself crying her heart out in the middle of the empty road. Her eyes bawled as she tries to wonder what is keeping her from moving further.

Blue eyes that shine in the moonlight, a scarred smile, and dark silky hair.

That was why but she won't ever admit it but she knew they would've never worked out anyways and he is better off without her anyways. With that thought alone made her heart clenched painfully in her chest and her eyes laid out more tears.

She knew she looked like those women in the cringey romantic movies that she use to loathe so much, but here she was, feeling their pains and their longingness to that special someone.

Suddenly, a bright light shined on her. She sat up and saw a really blinding light that kept her from opening her eyes fully. Thalia regretted crying in that moment, with eyes that were swollen from crying and a bright light being flashed in front of her, it was really hard to keep them open.

Then a screech of tires rang in her ears. Screeching in the road that she is currently sitting on and was bawling her eyes out earlier. When the current situation sunk into her brain, she tried to stand up and ran away but her legs buckled from her weight and she landed on the ground again and accidentally twisting her ankle.

The bright headlights got bigger and she lifted her body with her arms and tried to crawl away but she knew that it was too late, she wasn't strong enough to run or get away.

This was it.

Her death.

Memories of laughter, pain, her family, and friends back home and the familiar blue-eyed and raven-haired man that she once thought was an angel, all flashed before her eyes and suddenly she found herself raising her arms in front of her. Her eyes were wide open as she remembers the last memory she will ever have before she dies.

Then she screamed.

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