Perfect...For now

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Adriano drove faster as the view of the warehouse disappeared behind them. Johnson was seated beside him while Xerxes and Micah lied unconsciously in the backseat.

"It was not right," Johnson blurt out, his eyes remained on the dark road ahead of them.

Adriano gripped the steering wheel tightly in his hands and ground his teeth. "He chose that path, let him live out the consequences of his actions."

Johnson glanced at Adriano and rolled his eyes. He knew Adriano had always been the blunt and less affectionate among all of them but Johnson knew Adriano had always cared but doesn't know how to show it. Ever since he met the dragon prince, Johnson found that he was always so reserved and quiet.

Adriano barely lets anyone in, Johnson and the rest of the guys were the only friends Adriano had. Anyone who tried to get close to the dragon prince was ignored and pushed away. Anyone who disagrees with Adriano was either killed or beaten so badly, you could hardly make out their face.

"How about the girl? What are we going to do with her?" Johnson asked, suddenly remembering Thalia that was still in the house of Adriano with Sylvester.

Johnson recalled how Thalia got away with insulting the dragon prince and completely tell him off. Although, there were times were Adriano would be so pissed at the girl to the point that his head will literally flame up but other than that, he never did hurt the girl and Johnson and Mariano had left her all alone with him in a room.

In the end, Adriano was the one who was hurt instead of the tiny girl. This brought a smile on Johnson's lips as he remembers the hot-headed, naive and energetic girl. The girl was something else, and she was definitely someone Johnson hadn't encountered before. Usually, the women and girls were always categorized in two types in his head. They were either calm and composed or wild and so out there.

"We either surrender her to the police so her family can take her or just throw her out in the streets. Either way, I want to get rid of her," Adriano replied nonchalantly, breaking Johnson with his thoughts.

Johnson glanced at Adriano again and he saw Adriano's lips twitching to smile, he looked playful and amused when Thalia was the topic. Clearly, Adriano found the girl to be a joy to be around - just like him and the guys but he was trying too hard to hide it.

"Awwe, you miss her already," Johnson teased and Adriano replied with a scoff.

"Didn't you hear what I said?"

Johnson nodded his head, but the urge to tease his friend was strong. "You like her too Adrian. You may deny it all you want but I know she doesn't annoy you like you think she does." Johnson's eyes shimmered with humor and mischievousness.

Adriano growled in frustration and Johnson chuckled in return. Adriano took a sharp turn to the left corner and Johnson slammed his head into the window, making him grunt in pain and Adriano stifling a laugh.

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