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Thalia was running out of breath as they continue to hike down the mountain that she apparently woke up in earlier, whilst Daniel led them down the path. After their strange meeting earlier, Daniel invited her to join him in his village and to get there they have to hike down the mountain. So far, Thalia was having a hard time catching up with Daniel's long strides.

Daniel sighed and started to slow down his pace to let the tiny woman catch up with him. He took a glance at his back to see Thalia already looked like she was on the verge of dying. "Are you alright?" He asked her but she only responded with a thumbs up.

"Hurry up, we need to get back before sundown," Daniel hollered at her before starting to move again, this time keeping his slow pace.

Thalia who was cursing herself silently for not doing cardio enough, manage to finally catch up with Daniel, running up to the tall man to walk by his side. Daniel took a glance and smirked at Thalia. Noticing Daniel's eyes on her, she looked at him and raised a questioning brow.


Daniel chuckled before replying, "You awfully remind me of someone." Thalia's curiosity spiked up upon hearing a potential topic that they could converse about since Thalia hated the silence that had ruled over their hiking.

Without trying to be obvious about prying, Thalia cleared her throat and fixed her eyes on the path before them. "Oh really?" She tried to sound casual. Daniel sneaked a glance at Thalia, only to see her not looking at him.

"Yes really," He responded. Thalia, can hear from the tone of his voice that he doesn't want to elaborate further, so she just decided to ask simple questions to keep their conversation going until they arrive at the village because from her point of view, it may still take them some time to get at the bottom of the mountain, especially with the pace they are taking.

"So...." Thalia began, cursing herself in her mind for starting an awkward conversation.


"What were you doing here in the first place?" Thalia patted herself for finally asking the right question.

Daniel chuckled, "Should I ask you that question first? Since I do live in this realm and you appeared out of nowhere."

Thalia rolled her eyes before replying, "I told you before and I'm going to repeat this again since you can't seem to remember, I don't know why I am here. The last thing I remember was walking down a dark road then a bright light appeared out of nowhere and bam! I'm here."

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