Different Plans

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"Do you got anything?"

Thalia sat bored at the old table inside Daniel's home. Her eyes were focused on the magic pot that Daniel provided earlier.

Ever since they arrived at his house, Daniel had taken random items from shelves and cabinets - including the magic pot and placed them all on the table where Thalia sat. She only knew that it was a magic pot when Daniel started putting random, weird looking ingredients into the pot and some magic dust kept poofing up from the pot.

At first, Thalia was too enthusiastic about the magic stuff in the atmosphere but as minutes turned to hours, her excitement turned to boredom. She wasn't sure what Daniel was doing anyway because he didn't really orient her about all the stuff that he'd been doing.

Daniel kept muttering a strange language under his breath and the pot reacts to it. Thalia was too tired and hungry by the time Daniel finally stopped whatever he was doing to the magic pot.

"It's harder than I thought," Daniel said with frustration.

Thalia heard what he said and was quickly back to her senses, "What were you doing anyway?"

"I was trying to find an open link in your world that could help you back. Unfortunately, I can't find someone who is connected to you in some way. Which is very strange by the way, since this kind of spell works perfectly. I just don't know what's wrong."

Thalia slightly stood up from the chair and took a peek at what's inside the pot. To her surprise, inside the pot, shows a map of the Earth with tiny dots that were blinking in different countries. She guessed that maybe it was the connections that Daniel was searching for to bring her back to her world. It amazed her how many dots were on the map.

She remembered what Daniel said to her earlier, a strong telepathic can help her go back. She never really knew that there were too many telepathic in the world. But then again, a week ago she didn't even know such different creatures and worlds existed.

"Are you sure you did everything right?" Thalia asked skeptically, while still staring inside the pot.

Daniel looked at her incredulously and almost let out a scoff. His pride as an Agur was slightly jabbed by what Thalia said, and it didn't help his case that the magic also didn't work.

"What are you talking about? I am the master of this craft. Making connections from other worlds is one of the easiest things to do for an Agur. So I can't be making a mistake but there is something wrong, I just don't know what - are you doing?" Daniel didn't get to finish what he was saying once he saw Thalia almost putting her head inside the pot.

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