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Long curly lashes, pale white skin like the snow. Lips that once had a color in them is now as pale as her skin. Her beautiful raven hair placed perfectly on her chest and it shined under the moonlight.

Her hands were placed neatly on her stomach, fingers intertwining with each other. Her body remained still and stiff. Bruises decorated her body and a large wound on her forehead. Patches of dried blood were on her cheeks and clothes.

Luciano stood in front of the stone table in front of the beautiful maiden. He stared at her with some indifferent look in his eyes. The once beauty that captivated him was now lying in front of him and out of life. At first, he couldn't also believe it himself. The one thing that he chased after from the very start, ended up being in his clutches but in a way where he couldn't use it for his purpose anymore.


A feminine voice interrupted his thoughts. Luciano cocked a brow but didn't divert his eyes away from the body. He was mesmerized by her beauty, even if she was dead already. It only looked like she was in a deep sleep. An eternal sleep that she couldn't escape from anymore.

"Snow White."

Luciano turned his head to finally looked at the woman standing beside him. Her eyebrow shot up in confusion at his sudden words. He smirked at her and nod his head in the direction of her face, in which she looked at too.

"She looks like a princess," Luciano said.

"Who ate the poison apple?" She asked, feeling really irked that he found the corpse more mesmerizing than her.

Luciano glanced at the woman beside him and released a small chuckle. He could read her emotions underneath her armor and mask. The woman was jealous of a corpse but he couldn't blame her, the girl really is a beauty.

"Come on, Eva. She's nothing like you," Luciano tried to coax her.

Eva rolled her eyes before looking at him again, "Of course she's nothing like me. She's dead and I'm not."

Luciano chuckled again, finding the exchange between them as comical. "Although you do have some..." He paused and scanned his eyes up and down Eva's body before continuing. "Similarities," He ended with a smirk.

Eva scoffed in reply and started walking away from him but Luciano grabbed her arm before she could get any further. Her head snapped back at him and looked at him in confusion.

The Vampire and The IdiotOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora