Lunch Fiasco

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The day flew past quickly and it was time for our lunch. Me and my friends quickly met up with each other at the dinning hall. We looked for our usual spot, the long table  at the most left corner. Everybody in the school knows that that is our spot and nobody goes there to sit.

In this school, every clique have their own spot, I have no idea why but this is the school's thing!

We continued chatting about our day. Jenn was gushing about that cute guy she met during the holidays. Urgh! So cheesy! The downsides of having a fairy of love as a friend. But we still love her no matter what.

We continued chatting while walking towards our spot.

"You know, today this new girl in my class was super powerful and-"

Alice was sharing about her day when she accidently hit the table where we were supposed to sit. We were about to laugh and make fun of her when an evil sounding voice shouted," Hey! Watch it! We're trying to eat here!"

I looked up and saw 6 girls, all with short hair. Some of them had purple, black and dull blue hair. All of them were glaring at us, and I didn't know what to do. Something was not right with this girls, I've never seen them before.

Usually for lunch, they let out level by level for lunch. I've never seen them before, they are probably newbies.

Apparently, their tone angered Amaryl. Amaryl is always the reckless one of the group and quick to anger.

"Who do you think you guys are, NEWBIE?"

"Hey watch it! We'll tell Ms Faragonda about your threatening acts if you don't leve us alone!"

Amaryl clenched her fist.

"This is our spot, so get the heck out of here!"

"So? I don't see your names on the chairs and tables!"

Amaryl and the group of nasty looking students started shouting at each other. Alice, who usually is very quiet, started arguing with the nasty girls.

According to human school terms, we were one of those popular ones back then before the Winx became powerful and more popular than us. But seriously, I don't really mind.

Students round us who were eating soon started staring at us.

"Umm guys, I think you should stop, people are looking at us!" Luna squeaked, pulling Amaryl's hand away.

I could see a glow coming from the dark blue hair girl that was arguing with Amaryl. I knew that she was going to attack! Amaryl and Alice was totally unaware of it.

The glow was black and small. There wasn't something quite right about this spell. It felt dark, powerful, and something that we haven't or will not learn. It felt negative, I have no idea how to explain that feeling. I knew something was wrong then.

I nudged Jenn.

"Look at the dark blue hair girl's hand!" I whispered to her cautiously, "Should I shoot the hand with ice?"

Jenn thought about it and nodded.

I summoned a ball of energy, that could freeze something in an instant.

The argument worsened, leaving Amaryl in a rage. Amaryl looked like she would transform any moment, to attack the girl sitting at our spot.

I was waiting for the moment she would attack.

When she lifted up her hand to shoot the ball of unknown energy, I shot my spell, shouting," Freeze!"

A ball of ice instantly surrounded her hand, trapping the spell she created.

Alice looked pale.

"She.....she was going to sh....shoot that at us?"

I nodded.

It was a pretty stupid argument though in my opinion.

Teachers rushed forward towards the argument just as the girl was about to lunge forward at me.

"Let me go! That stupid bitch fired a spell at me!" the girl complained as she struggled.

"I did that because you were going to fire a spell at my friend, and I would not allow anybody to hurt my friends."

"Urgh! I did not!"

The girl's friends continue glaring at us, especially at me, because I fired a spell at their friend. I mean like, come on! I was protecting my friend!

Just as I was about to walk away, Ms Faragonda's voice boomed across the dining hall.

"Amaryl and her friends please see me in the office NOW!"

Great. We are all in trouble.

Yay! Another chapter done! Please vote for more!!!

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