The Winx's Mission

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So, nothing exciting really happened, other loads and loads of lessons, homework and lack of sleep. Typical high school.

My grades won't as good as last time as it is a year higher amd your grades will drop a bit. I'm sure you have experienced that before.

I'm going to tell you guys about our grading system here.

A1 is 75 and above
A2 is 70-74
B3 is 65-69
B4 is 60-64
C5 is 55-59
C6 is 50-54
D7 is 45-49
E8 is 40-44
F9 is 39 and below.

Obviously D7 is a fail already. Unfortunately, instead of dropping a bit, I dropped a lot. I failed 3 subjects out of 9 subjects, and the rest is somewhere in between C5 to B4. It was really, really bad.

There was this new girl in class named 'Layla' and to clarify in the cartoon, Layla's other name 'Aisha' is not her real name. Her name is Layla, and I have no idea why they changed her name into Aisha. This name really sounds very weird.

A few days later, Ms Faragonda called the entire cohort for a speech. It was about our sunjects and what we will be achieving for the year.

Obviously, she talked about Charmix, a so called 'boost' to our powers. It is achieved by over coming an emotional turmoil, like a fear or something. Right at that moment, I had no idea whether I would ever get that Charmix.

I always hated that the teachers expected us to reach some certain level of transformation every year. What if we didn't get it? We would be left out, fail our overall and get scolded by out parents!

It's like the entire year is about that transformation. But it is. :(

There was nothing really going on for a few days until one morning when we were preparing to go to class.

I was making my bed (which is beside the windows) when I looked out of the windows. I saw half the Winx wearing some ranger looking costume. A few teachers were standing outside with the Winx.

Suddenly, I see bikes with students from Red Fountain coming towards the school. They took out their helmets and damn, they looked hot!

"Hey girls, look at this!" I shouted to my friends. All of them rushed to the window. Rila only had one of her eye make up done, Jenn had a towel wrapped around her head, Amaryl already done, Luna had her bottom on but now her top and Alice still had a towel wrapped around her body.

We all stared outside the window. A huge Red Fountain ship suddenly flew by, blowing wind into our dorm. My papers started flying around, making a mess in my room. "Hey!", I shouted, standing up, picking up the flying pieces of papers.

The ship stopped in mid-air and the door opened. Another Red Fountain student waved to someone downstairs.

Some of the Winx started boarding the motorcycles, placing the helmets on their heads.

"Well it looks like their going on another mission", Amaryl commented unhappily.

"It's only the start of the year and look, they are on another mission!" Rila complained.

"Yah what's so special about them!" Amaryl complained, "I think that I'm still a lot stronget and smarter than Stella!"

Yep, Amaryl got this thing against Stella! And it is kinda true that Amaryl is stronger and smarter than Stella. Stella is the fairy of the sun, while Amaryl is the fairy of starlight and celestial things.

Amaryl can produce unlimited amount of energy, create portals easily, and can destroy planets in a single swipe of her hand if she can master her power! She can even control a bit of dark energy!

And what can Stella do? Shine? Produce sunlight?

Plus Stella always fail her exams and stuff, and Amaryl always gets an A2 or A1. Seriously. It's kind of stupid about the logic behind choosing students to go for missions.

"I agree with you!" I declared to Amaryl.

Somehow, my friends have something against the Winx. They think that the Winx are over privileged people that are just normal fairies like us.

And I think that too but I do not have anything against them.

There are 2 groups of people. Either they love the Winx, fangirling about them or they hate them, getting jealous or something.

I guess my friends are the 'hate them' group.

Sorry if I offended anybody here who loves the winx :(

Yay another chapter! Now I have no idea what to writw anymore because it isn't so interesting anymore. I will try to find morw time to write!! :)

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