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"I can't believe Ms Faragonda actaully believed that stupid witch's lie just to save the 'friendship' between Cloud Tower nd Alfea!!" Amaryl ranted.

It was at 4 in the afternoon, my friends and I were stuck in this stupid dorm for the past 3 hours. We were ranting out loud about that stupid witch and her friends and Ms Faragonda. Stupid witch!

"Yeah! And I thought Ms Faragonda was going to believe the people that came from her school!", Luna replied.

Luna is usually not fast to anger, but this time, she looked like she was going to burst.

"Somebody better pay for the decorations we bought, or else I'm complaining! I ised my own allowance to buy those!" Rila complained.

As they were ranting to each other, I went to the windows at our main room of the dorm and looked outside.

I saw Beta and her friends using the decorations we used our own money to pay for and worked hard for, carelessly using our materials and pasted them on the walls.

"Guys, come look at this!" I shouted at them.

They immediately stop their ranting and ran over. Since they had not much of things to do, they were curious about many small things.

"What, what is it?", Amaryl asked.

"There, look! Those annoying bitches are anyhow using our money our hardwork and our materials to do this crap!" I pointed outside the window.

Everybody started talking at once.

"Those freaking witches think that they can do anything!"

"They will pay for this!"

"Urgh! I hate them!!!"

"I'll pay you 1000 bucks to kill them!"

While everybody was ranting and complaining, I noticed something strange about them. They were holding the flowers that we made with paper yesterday, standing in a circle. They looked like they were saying something together, how I wish I can hear what they are saying!

This is getting more and more suspicious.

"Guys! Stop with the noise! Come look at what they are doing!"

Everybody focused their attention on those witches. I'm sure they were chanting something, something evil I guess.

Suddenly, black balls of energy came out of their hands, flowing into the middle of ghe paper flowers.

"Oh my god....", Jenn was astounded.

"I knew they were evil, let's go confront them!" Amaryl commented.

"But we're grounded!" Alice reminded Amaryl. "We could get into even more serious trouble!"

"Do I look like I care? No! I'm going to go downstairs and confront them right now!"

"I think we should wait until they leave and check out those flowers", I suggested.

"Debbie's right. We should wait for them to go first to prevent unnecessary trouble", Rila chipped in.

"All right", Amaryl reluctantly agreed. I bet she was really angry with them. All of us were looking forward to this party for a long long time and those witches destroyed our chances to go to the party.

"Ok, guys, I have a plan", Jenn said.

Everybody leaned forward to hear the plan.

"We will split into 2 teams of 3. 3 of us will stalk the witches and try to find out what they are up to. The other 3 of us will go to our flowers and find out what kind of magic they put into the flowers."

All of us agreed.

So it was decided that we will follow this plan. The ones better at their studies will go to the deco and find out about the magic, and the ones that are ok with their studies go and do the stalking.

In the end, Jenn, Amaryl and Alice were going to do the flower job and me, Rila and Luna were going to do the stalking. I can't wait to hear their secrets.

Jenn passed us invisible hats that she made for her project last year so that we will be safe. The 'flower team' brought their materials needed to test out certain things. It's like science, but way more fun and dangerous.

It was so exciting. It was like a secret mission in the movies!

We packed the things we needed and was ready to go. All of us were excited. We were kind of breaking the school rules for a good cause, I really hope Ms Faragonda won't be mad at us.

Jenn was at the front. She turned the handle slowly, hardly making a sound. She slowly opened the door, and none of us moved an inch. It was like a movie, it was so fun!

We slowly crept out of the dorm, and we split into 2 groups. We went downstairs, and saw that Beta and her friends were leaving the deco for a while.

Jenn, Amaryl and Alice made their way towards the paper flowers, putting on their gloves. We were taught to put on gloves when handling unknown magical substance or objects.

Then, me, Rila and Luna crept behind the group, placing the hats on top of our heads.....

I still can remember, the first day of school turns out to be the worst day and then the most exciting day. Full of drama isn't it?!

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