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It was at 5 when we exited Ms Faragonda's office.

The moment we stepped out of the office, we began high-fiving each other!

"We get to go!" Amaryl exclaimed.

"Wait, what about Alice and the flowers?" Luna questioned worriedly.

"What about we split again, half of us go take down the flowers while the other 2 go check out the remedy?" I gaved a suggestion.

"But we only have an hour before the party!" Rila complained.

"We'll just have to do this, quick." Jenn replied.

Immediately, we ran. Amaryl and Jenn went to find the cure while me, Rila and Luna went to take down the flowers. Too bad there weren't be any decorations on the entrance, but it is much better than having everybody fall asleep!

Using a magic spell I just learned that time, I conjured up 3 pairs of gloves. I handed it to them and all of us put it on.

This was a race against time. We had to find a remedy for the spell, take down the flowers and put on our dresses and make up! It was really tiring.

We transformed, and this time, remembering to out on our gloves, we took down all the flowers that we made.

"All of our hard work gone to waste." Luna grumbled as she placed one of them into the garbage bag.

"Yeah", I agreed. Such a waste of our time and effort!

Once we were done, we tied up the bags and flew directly towards to the lab, not caring about the rules about not flying in the school building.

We quickly dropped it into the hazard waste and flew towards our dorms. The winds sped past us as we flew towards our dorms.



Amaryl and I ran towards the library. When I was bringing Alice to the Infirmary, Amaryl found out that this spell is a rare spell, and also using dark magic, and is very difficult to conjure up.

This spell was called Pegribegahas (I have no idea how to pronounce this) and is deadly once you don't cure it within a week. Damm, these witched must have taken a long time to learn this spell, it is a level 7 spell!

There are different levels for spells, level 1 being the easiest type of spell such as the elements spell and level 10 being the hardest, only highly skilled wizards and fairies can do!

The reason why I splitted us this way is because the ones with good grades go and do the job that doesn't need to think in terms of studies, and the ones that does better in studies to do the job that needs to analyse things such as researching for cures. Amaryl is the best at that!

I'm not mean or anything, we always compare grades after exams, the others must have known why I put us as like that. I'm putting us in such a way we can be efficient! I hope they will not ne offended.

Amaryl was in the school library, searching for the info while I was in our dorm, using our handy wifi. If we find anything, we have to call each other first.

I typed in that really difficult word into my phone, but all that came out was the effects of the spell and how to do it.

Effects: Headache, fever, vomiting, temporary loss of power after waking up. If the victim does not wake up in a week, she or he will go into a coma, lose his or her powers forever or even lose his or her life.

All this searching is really getting me nervous. Looking through the internet is no use! I thought, I better go find Amaryl!

I ran towards the school library located at level 3, and checked the time. Dammit! It was 5.30 already!

I was about to step into the library when my phone rang. I rejected the call and ran into the library and found Amaryl sitted on the desk with this really dusty book in her hands.

"Oh lol, I thought something happened to you", Amaryl told me, while flipping through the book.

I laughed.

"I think I found something that might be useful. It stated here that to break the spell we need many, many, common things, but we need about 10 type of things!" Amaryl stated, while squinting at the tiny words on the book.

"What! What is it?" I shouted/whispered (you know what I mean).

"Umm.... 3 iron nails, 1 dash of the Dragon fairy's magic..."

Crap, I will need to ask Bloom.

".....2 limes, 5 strings of dog fur, the skin of an onion, a pinch of salt, a blade of grass, ice from the omega dimension..."

This is too much! We're going to take morw than a week to gather! Especially the hours of travel from Alfea to The Omega Dimension! That, I will need Debbie's help. Plus, the ice will melt!

Then it hit me. Teleportation! That is such a cool mode of transport, but will the magicalwaves melt the ice? I haven't even learnt it! Debbie will have to find a way, I'm counting on her!

"Enough, we'll just split, I hope they are done!" I interrupted her. I felt like there was no time, I don't think we can attend the party, and it's all that cursed witches' fault! Nothing but a bunch of trouble makers!

Amaryl borrowed the book while I took a picture and sent it to the group chat. We immediately ran to the dorm, and found Debbie, Luna and Rila sitting there, waiting for us.

"Now, this is what I need you guys to do. Debbie, go find a piece of ice from your hometown and a blade of grass, Rila go and ask Bloom for a dash of her magic, and say that we need it to save a person's life....."

Sorry for not updating for two days, but there would be times when I don't update for a longer period of time! Love you, my readers, and feel free to ask questions, by dming me!

Please vote, and follow me, coz I follow back! I hope I will have more time to update! Bye!

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