Stupid Witch

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"Now, what happened in the dining room?" Ms Faragonda spoke sternly.

All of us were nervously looking at each other.

"Somebody answer me!" Ms Faragonda raised her voice.

"Ummm.... Someone sat on our usual spot and refused to move?", Alice timidly answered Ms Faragonda for us.

"Did you know that those students over there were visitors from Cloud Tower? We have just disgraced ourselves in front of the witches!"

So they were witches. No wonder that weird and tacky spell.

"But they were intruding our school tradition!" Amaryl talked back at Ms Faragonda.

"From what I know, our school have no such thing as this tradition!"

"Because you're not a student!", Luna, who couldn't take it.

"And Debbie, why did you shoot that poor girl? She might have a frostbite!"

This time I was really angry.

"What poor girl? Did you know that that nasty witch was about to shoot Amaryl?!", I retaliated.

I guess Ms Faragonda could not take our rebellious attitude, so she called that 'poor witch' to come into her office.

The witch, which Ms Faragonda called 'Beta', walked into the office. She was limping, with a pitiful look on her face. She looked like she was about to cry, I bet it was all fake.

"Ms Faragonda, they were ganging up on me, and was threatening me! And this girl shot me!", she pointed at me.

Oh my god what a exaggerate!!!!!

Behind the pitiful look she put on her face, I could see a smirk lurking on her face. I was furious, and so were my friends.

"As you can see, both of your stories are different. Who should I trust now?" Ms Faragonda asked, keeping that stern look on her face.

"I'm the victim, Ms Faragonda! This girl shot me with ice magic, my fingers could have snapped off!!" Beta whined.


"I SHOT YOU BECAUSE YOU WERE ABOUT TO SHOOT MY FRIEND WITH DARK MAGIC YOU IDIOT! STOP PRETENDING TO BE SO INNOCENT!!!" I shouted at her. I couldn't stand her act, her 'innocence'. Oh my god!

Beta started to cry. If she keeps continuing with her act, we're all screwed.

"Debbie! Enough!" Ms Faragonda shouted.

I was fuming with anger. How can she do that to us?! It was her fault in the first place, I was merely trying to protect my friend!

"This discipline case involves with a student from another school, and even worse, a witch school of dark magic, and that I cannot ignore. If I believe you, Beta can complain and get me into trouble." Ms Faragonda explained.

Everybody looked at each other. We are all screwed big time. Ms Faragonda is going to believe that bitch!

"So therefore, I will believe Beta. I'm sorry girla, if I don't punish all of you, Beta and her friends can complain to her principle."

All of us looked at each other with disbelief. Alice and Jenn looked like they were going to cry, and Amaryl and Luna looked like they wanted to punch the shit out of Beta.

How can Ms Faragonda do that?! I thought she was a far and just teacher!

"I'm going to forbid all 6 of you from the party. You will be grounded and cannot leave the dorm. Dinner will be sent to your rooms." Ms Faragonda stated.

I really could not believe my ears. The headmistress that I once looked up to is gonns be in my bad books from now on.

"You may leave", Ms Faragonda implied, using her hand to shoo us out.

"What about the decoration we are in charged of? What about the -" Luna argued before Ms Faragonda interrupted her.

"Beta will take care of it."

Oh my goodness this is probably the best chapter ever. I get to rant without gettinf scolded haha! Please vote and help me spot my mistakes!

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