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Rila took a stringe, and filled it up with that icky green substance. All the ingredients have been dissolved completely, which kind of seems impossible. Iron nails dissolving in water?! This is called MAGIC.

Alice was still unconscious. I really wondered how it tasted like, but I don't think I'm supposed to drink it, so I stooped down and smelt the liquid.

To be honest, I was expecting it to smell really disgusting. The funny looking substance looked like mucus, it was utterly gross. It made me gag just by thinking how it was going to taste like.

When I smelt it, it surprisingly smelt like apples, and berries. It was a mucus looking substance that smells (I hope it tastes like) fruits.

It was 5.55pm, I was sure that we would only appear at the party around 6.30. Oh well, it was better than not going to the party at all.

Rila began feeding the potion, slowly inserting the stringe into Alice's mouth. I could see a lump going up and down her throat. This meant that she was swallowing!

Slowly, more than half the bowl of potion was gone. Alice was taking the potion/medicine quickly, as though she liked it! This is one the few medicines that actaully tasted good!

When the potion was almost gone, I could see her eyes open bit by bit. I think she was trying to adjust to the light.

"Look! She's waking up!" Amaryl cried, and all of us rushed to the bed.

Her eyelids fluttered open. We were about to tell her about how worried we were when she started coughing.

"My heas hurts...." she croaked, her throat dry from not using for a while.

Luna placed her hand on Alice's head. "Oh no, she's burning up...."

"What time is it? What day is it?" Alice shouted, sitting up suddenly. She regretted her movement when her head started hurting even more.

"Shhh.... It's the same day, and its 5.57pm" I told her.

"What about the party? Isn't it almost starting? Have you dressed up?" Alice shouted. For a quiet personality, this was one of the times when she was at her loudest.

"No, we haven't even started preparing" Jenn said.

"But you'll be late, you'll -"

"No, we won't go to the party without you" Rila told Alice. The rest of us nodded in agreement. It was kind of cheesy, but at this moment, everybody was exhausted, physically and mentally.

"Go, go enjoy yourselves! I'm awake right? Don't worry about me anymore!" Alice comforted us.

"No, you almost died you know?! You-"

"Go! -"

"But-" Jenn tried to argue.

"Just go I'm fine!"

They argued for a while, but in the end we relented and sais our goodbyes to Alice. We promised to bring the food up for her during the party so that she won't be missing out on any food!

Alice shooed us out of the Infirmary. What a nice friend we have, to shoo us out just so that we can have fun. But seriously, we can't have fun when one of us isn't around.

We ran towards our dorm, running past many fairied who were ready. They eyed us with a displeased look. I wondered what was wrong with us though.

When we reached the dorm, we fought for the mirror. I looked at the mirror, and realised why the fairies were looking at us like that.

Our clothes were wrinkled and dirty, and our hairs were in a mess, due to all that transforming, running and teleporting (for me). In the end, we had to bathe, which made the time even longer!

We put on our dresses, bu t we didn't have the time to put on our make up. I usually put on make up during special occasions like parties, while Luna and Jenn puts it on almost everyday unless they are late or too lazy/sleepy.

Make up is so harmful to your skin. So much chemicals! It was 6.15, faster than we expected to finish preparing ourselves. The speech already finished by the time we got downstairs.

Food was being served as we walked into the field. Almost all the seats and tables were taken, so we sat on the steps. Sigh, that was too bad. I still blame the witches for everything. From getting grounded for a while, Alice's condition and being late for the party.

I can see that some of the towers were fixed. But seriously, the teachers must be powerful, they can just solve this problem with a flick of their wrists!

And of course, we saved food for Alice, tons of it! I have no idea how she eats a lot and not get fat! She eats like twice the amount I eat, and yet she's skinnier than me! High metabolism, lucky girl.

The DJ was at the front, the north of the school. It was a hired DJ, and pop music started playing loudly.

I have watched the cartoon version of Alfea and whatnot, they didn't even put in the part where we danced till nightfall! Obviously, it ended at 9pm, as the next day was a school day.

After eating, everybody started dancing. There were tiny dots of light shone everywhere,even though there wasn't a disco ball. Strange, I thought. I think they used magic.

It was a year since I arrived, and yet I found this things so strange, so magical, like how can it happen? Science cannot explain everything in this universe. From this formula, to this formula, it might be inaccurate in some other parts of the universe! Or even the parallel world.....

Hey! This is shorter update, I'm so sorry! I've been receiving comments like: This is not real or This ia part of your imagination and sorts. I have already stated that if any of you don't believe in these sorts of things, get the heck out of this book, and don't even click on it.

I do not need haters!

So guys, this photo is Amaryl, fairy of starlight and celestial things. This really, really looks like her, and that's creepy. Even this is the exact costume she wore!

I hope you can see the pic! I hope you like this update! :)

I hope you can see the pic! I hope you like this update! :)

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