I Hate Parties

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You know when you are in the club? The loud music, the disco lights? This is what I was experiencing. I didn't really like parties at that time. All of my friends loved it and they were enjoying the music, the dancing.

The music was really loud. My head hurts just by staying there. I'm also not very fond of dancing, because I can't dance.

Clubs usually serve alcohol, but this a school party so obviously there isn't any alcohol. Instead, they served fruit punch. Like seriously. There were plenty of minors in the school, so they didn't serve alcohol.

Pretty useless rule though.

After the party, most people end up going to the city to go to public clubs and usually come back around 3 in the morning. That was the time when all spot checks end.

Luckily, there wasn't any boys in this party or else things....... will happen.

This is like the typical high school. Even though it's a magic school with all that shit, everybody acts like high school kids. Immature and horny beasts. (I'm so sorry I'm not that innocent anymore)

The music was pounding and so was my head. After about 1 hour into the party, I decided it was enough. Seriously, I only came for the food 😅

"Guys, I'm going back. See you later!" I told Rila, who was beside me, apparently dancing away. She did not respond.


She shook her head, apparently waking out of her dancing 'trance'.

"What?" Rila said, clearly annoyed being interrupted. Don't interrupt Rila when she's dancing, I made a note to myself.

"I'm going up!" I shouted at her, trying to be louder than the music.

"Why!?" Rila shouted, not because she is angry, but because the music was too loud.

"I don't want to dance! Bye!"

I quickly ran up to my dorm. Immediately, I started removing my make up (Urgh the worst is to be gone first) and then took a relaxing bath.

If you're thinking that Alfea is a good school, and the facilities are supposed to be good, well you're wrong. The rooms are ok, the beds are ok, but THE TOILETS ARE NOT OK.

It stinks, and it's all white in color, nothing like the pink building and pink dorms. For a school that teaches princesses and other kinds of royalty, the standards are really low. Apparently, this was the highest standard in all of the Magix's schools, so most royals send their kids here.

Right now I'm just introducing to you the school things since nothing is really going on.

All I did was flump (I don't think that is even a word) onto the bed and fall asleep.

In the middle of the night, I can hear my friends coming into the dorms. Some of them sound drunk, and this wasn't the first time.

"W-w-w-what t-t-time is it now?" I hear a voice who was slurring which sounds like Luna.

Seriously, Luna? She's never gotten drunk.

Amarayl came into our room and switched on the light. I squinted and looked at Amaryl.

"Oh sorry! I thought you were asleep!"

"I was until you guys came back with someone slurring, drunk" I retorted.

At Amaryl wasn't drunk, I seriously didn't have the strength to take care of a drunk roommate.

I slammed my head onto my pillow, trying to avoid the light shining into my eyes. Soon, Amaryl switched off the light and retired to the bed.

I've got this feeling that I will be handling 3 sleepy friends, 1 friend with a hangover and an injured friend tomorrow....

I closed my eyes and let the darkness overwhelm me into a dream.....

Sorry for the short chapter! I can't think of anything else to write for this chapter anymore!

Here's a picture of Jenn, the fairy of love:
I hope you guys can see it!
As I said, I found this in the internet which looks the most familiar!

Here's a picture of Jenn, the fairy of love: I hope you guys can see it!As I said, I found this in the internet which looks the most familiar!

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