The Mourning Doves.

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It was early then next morning, roughly 7:30 when Bruce walked to the guest room where Joker lay. He sighed softly as he opened a window since the room was getting warm. He heard the mourning doves and quickly shut the window. Their call brought tears to his eyes. He looked over at Joker. He let out a soft sigh as he looked all over Joker. "You poor thing... your a hideously attractive yet... disformed. You scars tell so many stories and secrets that probably hurt or please you..." He teared up as he walked over. "Jack would've cared for you..." He smiled as he knelt down at his bedside. He rest his head on Joker's chest. He listened to his faint heartbeat and shallow breathing. He shut his eyes and soon fell asleep again. He woke up at 9am to Joker slightly coughing. He sat up and helped him. As Joker coughed, his eyes were getting bloodshot. "Easy Joker..." Joker whined a bit as he looked up at him. "Where... am I?" "...Your in my care. That's all that matters..." Joker nodded and slightly cuddled Bruce. Bruce held the thin and injured man. "Am I... dead?" Bruce teared up. "Why do you ask...?" Joker teared up when Bruce hugged him. "You must be an angel... your so nice and carrying..." He soon shut his eyes. Bruce watched him, scared he'd slip away into the unknown. He held Joker's bare hand. On his ring finger, there was a rusty ring that has been burned into his skin. Bruce looked away, since it brought back memories of Jack and him. He remembered proposing to Jack. He shook his head. "!" He got up and stormed out.

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