Frightened and Awakened

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Bruce was done cleaning up the tea when Alfred walked downstairs. His cough, though it was soft, shattered the silence. Bruce looked up at him. "Master Wayne... he's awake and eating." Bruce nodded slightly. "I'll be up shor-" "He wants you now, sir."  Bruce nodded, not really in the mood to argue with Alfred. "Alright. I'm on my way." Alfred nodded and moved out of his way. Bruce climbed up the stairs and went to the bathroom first. He wrapped his burnt hand up in gauze. He washed his face then headed into the guest room. Joker looked up with a puzzled look on his face. Bruce shut the door and sat in the chair next to the bed. Joker coughed slightly. He looked a little better than he has recently. He whined and pointed to his oxygen mask. Bruce let out a slight smile and took it off of him. "There, now you can eat..." Joker nodded and ate very slowly. When he was done, he whispered. "I'm s-sorry I'm a burden..." Bruce's crystal blue eyes widen. "No... no... don't be. I-er... Batman was scared they would turn you into Arkham, if he took you to the hospital. He thinks they treat you badly... so. You're here under my wing till you can stand on your own." Joker cocked up an eyebrow. "Hmm... I guess. I didn't think t-that ugly bat would care... what happened to your hand?" Bruce looked at Joker's rough facial angels as he spoke. "Ah... I burned it while pouring water into my tea cup. I thought it was cooler than it looked... funny how that works, right?" Joker let out a lazy smile. His lips were a pale pink since his lipstick was faded. "Reminds me of when I was making chum for me and the hyenas... I thought it was cooler so I grabbed their bowls and, by God! It hurt horribly!" He grinned a bit. His soft yellow toned teeth showed a bit. Bruce chuckled as he was getting along with the other lunatic. Joker let out a deep sigh. "Thank you... just... thank you..." Bruce smiled and nodded. "No problem Ja-Joker..." Joker laid back down and giggled slightly. "Aren't cha gonna kiss me good night?" Bruce reddened a bit. "Shut up..." "Make me~..." Bruce topped him and Joker's eyes widened. "I-I was j-joking!!" Bruce pulled off and sighed as he left. Alfred quirked up an eye brow as he noticed how nervous and flustered Bruce was. "Fever or worse, master Wayne?" "...I don't know... I don't know..."

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