The Heat of Anger, is Always the Hottest.

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Joker turned around and gulped in fear when he saw Harley staring at him, with her baseball bat behind her. Behind that was a very angry Poison Ivy, that had blooming flower's in her hair due to her wedding that was yesterday. Next to Ivy was her wife, Catwoman. Catwoman had her claws out. She hissed loudly at Joker. "How dare you hurt our little flower, Harley?!" Ivy's vines grabbed Joker's throat and she grew closer. "She's done so much for you and this is what you do?!" She yelled right in his face. Joker shut his eyes and didn't struggle. They all, but Alfred, flinch but that didn't stop their anger. He was yelling back or struggling, instead, he was limp and whimpering. Jack had come back at the wrong time. Jack started to even cry. Ivy slapped him. "Oh?! Are you scared now?!" She yelled and Catwoman scratched his inner thigh. He screamed out in pain and fear. He shook and sobbed. He didn't look at them. Harley hit him as hard as she could with her baseball bat. He winced as his vision grew blurry. He struggled to stay awake. He quickly poked at the tag, that was deep in-bedded in his wrist. Bruce quickly felt it and knew something went wrong. He dove through a window and landed on a goon, who was knocked out by this sudden entrance. Bruce used his detective mode to track Jack. He found traces of Alfred's blood. He ignored it for now. He suddenly heard Jack scream. He ran over and rammed the door down. The door hit Harley and pushed her to the ground. Catwoman growled at Batman. "Well, well! Look who the clown dragged in!" "Leave him alone Selena!" She rolled her eyes and scratched Jack's face. Bruce suddenly tackled her. "I SAID, LEAVE HIM ALONE!" He yelled in her face. Jack grew dead silent, which made Bruce grew still and quiet. Bruce got off slowly and looked at Jack. "Jack?" He whispered softly. Jack looked up and giggled. Joker took the reigns. He laughed at them all. "Oh... Harleen. Look at yourself... Letting that nasty temper out. You should know no one likes that. Ivy, married to a cat who probably only wants you for that catnip... And Cat." He paused and looked at her. "You use everyone you can get your filthy paws on!" He growled softly. "You don't love Ivy! You just want to use her! Same with you Ivy, but with Harley! You need her because she's strong and stupid!" He tried to pull away. The girls look at each other. In a way, Joker was very right. Bruce held his face as Joker suddenly grew limp again. Tears ran down his face as he was held by Bruce.

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