The history and love.

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Bruce sighed as he looked around for Joker. When he saw him, he blushed. He was thinking about when they first met. He smiled as his mind made the memory into a vision. They were only 10 when they met each other. Jack was on the streets, trying to avoid his drunken father's rage. He just ran out of a store and ran right into Bruce. Jack yelped as he quickly got up and ran. Bruce looked up at the store. An angery store manager stormed out to go get him, but Bruce stepped in the way. "What's the matter sir...?" "That bastard stole from me!" Bruce sighed as he pulled out his wallet. "How much did he steal? I'll pay you..." The man sighed and nodded. "35 dollars..." Bruce nodded and handed the man the money, plus a little extra. The man thanked him and Bruce started his search for the strange boy. He saw a blood trail. He gulped and started to follow it. It's been 2 years since Bruce's parents died at the time. He found a closed off alleyway. He started to walk. He looked at the name of it; it's name was "Justified Junction." He slowly walked in. "H-hello?" He called out. He could hear a small whimper coming from the back. He sighed and toughened up as he walked into the shadows. His eyes adjusted slowly and he saw the boy on the ground, scared. He was hugging his knees. "P-please don't tell papa... I'm scared." Bruce knelt down and put his hand on the other's knee. The boy looked up. He had a thin but long gash on his face. Bruce gasped. "Did he do that?!" The thin boy shook his head and showed him his elbows. They were badly scrapped due to the fall. He whined. "It stings..." Bruce nodded and thought. "Well... what did you steal?" He tried to sound polite. But it was tough since a thief killed his parents. The boy out everything out in front of them. There was a box of condoms, a pack of cigarettes, a new lighter that was green and silver, and a Twinkie. Bruce titled his head. "Cakes come in small sizes?" He asked as he pointed to the Twinkie. The boy smiled and unwrapped it. He broke it in half and handed Bruce the other half. "I'm Jack... nice to meet you...?" "And I'm Bruce..." They smile as Bruce cleaned Jack's wounds. Bruce opened his eyes and saw goons guarding the Fun House. He sighed. "Time to go to work..."

Unforgettable... ( BatJokes FanFiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt