He shattered his sanity and heart.

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Bruce stared at the Joker, utterly speechless and wide eyed. He looked at him all over. He teared up. "J-Jack?!" Joker grew quiet and still. "Mmhmm..." He looked up and sighed. He looked like upset clown. Crazy and murderous. Not like Jack. His Jack, that is. Bruce couldn't believe this. He looked at Joker and tried to see Jack. His eyes, hair, and everything was so different. His height was the same and so was his weight. Bruce just wanted to hug him and tell him everything. "So... what do you want?" Joker rolled his eyes and let out a smug grin. "Oh Brucey... your Batman bate. I want him to realize he ruined me! You want me normal! Not a crazy dingus!" Bruce sighed and looked down. "Jack... I miss you. I want you back in my life. I'll be one hundred percent honest with you! I prom-" Joker chuckled. "How cute... yeah. About that. No." He smiled and walked away. His tails on his suit were trailing on the ground. Bruce struggled and yelled for his attention. The door slammed shut and locked. Bruce teared up and sobbed. "Jack... please. I need you..." He shut his eyes and sighed. What felt like was hours, was actually 15 minutes. He suddenly grit his teeth and broke the chains. He looked out of the window that was locked. He sighed. He started to pick the lock. He turned around, checking if someone was coming to check on him. It was nothing. He nodded and went back to lock picking. He unlocked it and stepped outside. It was starting to rain. Bruce sighed as he started to climb down. He slipped but quickly grabbed the edge of a window. He looked into the window. It was Harley's room. She looked so upset as she looked into the mirror. Her makeup was so messy, her lip was puffy from a fight, and her hair slightly burnt from her missile launcher. He sighed. He felt bad that she went from totally sane, to insane and fooled. He looked down and continued to climb down. He then got to the ground. He started to walk back to the mansion. He sighed. He knew what he had to do. The weather started to pour. He looked down until he got to his mansion. He looked at the doors knocker. He growled as he punched a hole through the thick door. He unlocked the door through the hole. He went to the Bat Cave. He quickly got into the bat suit. There was a flashback of Jack in front of him. "W-wait! Where are you going?" "...out?" "Y-you're... you're cheating on me! You keep going out but you have no reasoning!" "Jack... No..." "Then why are you leaving? I've seen the way you are with Ms. Kyle!" He remembered and woke up from the flashback. He remembered how he slapped Jack and hurt him. Just like how he dealed with Joker. He sighed. "I'm going to change for us, Jack..."

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