2- Giraffes and Girlfriends

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"Open it!" Reese urged. I smirked and took even longer to peel the wrapping paper off the box. Reese started getting impatient and drummed his fingers on the coffee table.

"Oh my gosh, calm down, Reese," Quinn called from the kitchen.

Reese ignored him and grabbed the box from me.

"You're so slow," He muttered, ripping off the wrapping paper and opened up the box.

"It's a...giraffe onesie," I said slowly. I glanced at Reese who was staring at me with a hopeful look.

"I'll go put it on," I sighed and went to my room. After about 5 minutes of wiggling and flopping around like a fish, I got the onesie on.

I went back to the living room to find Reese staring off into space.

"I feel like a 5 year old," I muttered under my breath.

"Isn't it like the best thing on this planet?" Reese asked his attention shifting from the wall to me.

"Reese, this is what my mom used to dress me with when I was 2 years old," I told him. His face dropped instantly.

"She did?" He screeched.

"I thought every parent did," I fiddled with my bracelet as Reese's face turned red.

He pulled out his phone and called someone.

"Hi, Mom. How come I never wore onesies when I was little?" He asked her. He listened for a little bit and then ended the call after doing the whole "Love you too, bye" thing.

"What'd she say?" Quinn asked sitting on the arm of the couch.

"She said I used to shit way too much and they would have to get me out of the onesie and put me back in," Reese explained.

"You still do," Elliot said from the doorway before going to his room.

Quinn and I cracked up while Reese glared at Elliot's back.

"It's okay, we can go buy some anti-diarrheal medication," Quinn told Reese while laughing like a crazy person.

"Quinn, that's enough," I patted him on the shoulder. He stopped laughing and went back into the kitchen to check on dinner.

Reese and I watched some TV until Quinn told us dinner was done.

Elliot walked out of his room with his wet hair falling into his forehead. He was wearing nothing but athletic shorts, his perfectly toned body in view.

"Elli, you should go put on a shirt or something. Jasper lives with us now, and it's rude to walk around half naked," Reese told Elliot while bringing in the bowls of food.

I made the biscuits and mashed potatoes, Reese made the potato salad, and Quinn made the steak. Elliot went to the gym or somewhere while we cooked.

"If she's going to live here, she might as well get used to it," Elliot said directly to Reese.

Reese opened his mouth to argue, but just shook his head and sat down. Quinn brought out the 3 steaks and sat down. He set a steak in everyone's plate, but his.

"Why aren't you eating steak?" I asked as I cut a piece of mine.

"I'm vegetarian, but I cook everything and anything," Quinn explained eating some potato salad.

"Ohhh," I said and continued eating.

"Do y'all want to come down to the farm during winter break?" Elliot asked.

Reese glanced at me,"Jasper, too?"

Elliot looked over at me,"Sure, she'll get bored without you idiots. Have you ever been on a farm, princess."

"Yes, I have," I lied tearing my biscuit into pieces.

"Really?" Elliot challenged.

"Yup," I put on my poker face.

"We'll see, princess. If you can't handle it, then you have to do everything I say for a week, If you can, then I'll do everything for a week," Elliot smirked.

"It's on, Avlet," I said confidently.

"Oh we're doing last names now? Good luck, Banks," Elliot got up and rinsed his empty plate in the sink before setting it in the dishwasher.

"Oh, Morgan, is coming over," Elliot told us and went into the living room.

"Who's Morgan?" I asked quietly.

"His girlfriend. She's a bitch," Reese explained and cleared the table.

"There's something fishy about her, but Elliot's happy, so why should we care," Quinn shrugged.

"I have a paper to turn in tomorrow, so I'm going to  go work on it," I told them and went to my room.

I plugged in my headphones to my phone and continued writing my paper on my laptop.

All of sudden there was shouts coming from the living room. A knock on my door made me jump.

"Come in," I called. Quinn and Reese entered looking tired and annoyed.

"What's going on?" I asked and gestured to the bed.

"The bitch cheated on him and had the guts to come here," Quinn said sitting down on the bed.

"How long have they been dating," I asked.

"Almost 2 years. He thought she was going to be the one he'd marry and start a family with," Reese explained.

"I want to be a girl right now, so I can slap her across the face and maybe knock some sense into her," Quinn said shaking his head.

The front door slammed, echoing through the apartment. Elliot walked into my room and sighed.

"I'm sorry," he apologized to Quinn and Reese before walking into their room and closing the door. Quinn and Reese got up and went into the room.

I heard sobs through the walls.

"Jasper?" Quinn called out to me,"Can you come here?"

I hesitantly went to their room. Elliot faced out the window while Reese sat next to him. Quinn sat on the floor and looked up as I entered the room.

"We need you do us a favor," Quinn started,"be Elliot's fake girlfriend."

I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while, but I'm trying to figure out how the new storyline should work.

Thank you guys for all the support on this book.

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