21-Mother's Day

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"Are you going to tell me today?" Elliot asked, hopefully. 

I shot him a look. "Is it the day this little guy," I pointed to my belly, "Pops out?"

"No..." He mumbled and picked at his food. 

I felt bad for pushing him out of personal life, but I had to. 

"Sorry," I told him and kissed his cheek. "I just need some time to get my own life together." I traced his jawline with my finger and looked him the eye. "I promised, I would tell you when I have the baby."

"It's just...I'm worried about you, Jasper. Was it so bad, that 12 years later you can't talk about it?" 

"I'm going to bed," I said as attempt to end the conversation. Elliot grasped my wrist as I tried to walk into our room. 

"Jasper. Stop acting like you're five years old." He told me with a sharp look. "You're an adult. It's not that hard to just tell me what happened."

Something inside me snapped for the 2 time this week. 

"It's not that hard? Are you kidding me Elliot. I got abused from the day I was brought into this world. He tried to kill me the minute I was born. He made my life hell. I tried to commit suicide 8 times. I was in a coma for 5 months when I was 2 because of him. Don't you dare tell me that it's not that hard." 

Shit, I did it again. 

Elliot stared at me with wide eyes. He let go of my wrist and leaned forward to hug me. 

I pushed him away. "Leave me alone." Tears burned in my eyes as I went into our room. I shut the door behind me and started crying, hard. 

Composing myself, I changed my clothes and got into bed. The door opened and Elliot walked in. 

"Are you still up?" He whispered coming over to my side of the bed. I kept my mouth shut and stared straight ahead. "I'm going to go sleep in the guest room." He told me. 

I didn't respond and continued to look at him. 

"I love you," He said and left the room. 

Even when I'm pissed off, he still manages to make me melt. 

  •~•~•     (The next day)

"Finally. Who's going to save you now?" He asked. "Jordan's at his friends house, Jacob is at basketball practice, Courtney's at her dance tryouts, your mother is doing who knows what. You're stuck with me, today." 

"Why are you doing this?" I asked as tears streamed down my face. 

He removed the wooden spatula from the flame and placed it on my arm. I wanted to scream out in pain, but I knew if I did, he'd make it worse.

"Not enough pain, huh?" He smirked and tossed the spatula away. He places his rough hands against my neck and started squeezing. I scratched at his hands as an attempt to stop him. 

"I've never liked you. Bitches get what they deserve." He growled and squeezed tighter. My vision went blurry and I saw spots. It became harder to breath and see. 

"Jasper!" A voice woke me up from my nightmare. I looked up and saw Elliot looking over me a worried expression. 

"Are you okay? You were breathing really hard and gasping." He told me. 

"It's probably just the pregnancy thing," I assured him and looked at Ever who was standing nearby with a tray in her hands. 

"Happy Mother's Day!" Ever squealed and set the tray down to hug me. 

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