19- Burps and Birthdays

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"There's the birthday girl!" I said as Ever walked downstairs.

She grinned and took a seat at the table. I gave her a stack of pancakes with butter and syrup.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart," I said and gave her a hug.

"Thank you," Ever said and began eating.

Ever was turning 8 years old today. Elliot and I decided to spend the whole day with her. It was rare that the three of us could spend time together since Elliot and I were busy at work. Wedding season was coming up and the store was always busy. Elliot had to go to Mexico for a photo shoot. He came back at 2 in the morning, but Ever didn't know.

"Ever are you sure you don't want a party?" I asked taking a sip of my hot chocolate.

"Yup." Ever nodded. "It's too late anyways. I'd rather just spend the day with you."

"Okay," I ruffled her hair and got up to put my empty cup away. My phone beeped indicating that I had a text.

Elliot- Can I come out now?

Jasper- No

Elliot- Please?

Jasper- Sorry, babe

Elliot- You locked me in a damn closet!

Jasper- Oops ;)

Elliot- Once I get out of here, you're dead

Jasper- Have fun!

I turned my phone on silent and got out the ingredients for cinnamon rolls.

"Ever once you're done, we can bake," I told her. She nodded and carried her plate over to the sink. She washed her hands and pushed her hair away from her face. I tied her hair into a bun and did the same to my own.

We played some music and started making the cinnamon rolls. Once they were in the oven we cleaned up. After we cleaned up we went into the living room to watch some TV while the cinnamon rolls cooked.

"Hey, Ever?" I asked.

"Yeah?" She looked at me.

"Do you think you could get me a blanket from the closet? I'm a little tired." I patted my growing belly for proof.

"Okay." She got up and opened the closet door, causing Elliot to stumble since he was leaning against the door.

"DAD!" Ever squealed and hugged him.

"Happy birthday!" He lifted her up and kissed her head before hugging her again.

"Why were you in the closet?" Ever asked as Elliot carried her over to the couch.

"Someone," Elliot glared at me. "Locked me in there, so I could surprise you."

"Thanks, Jasper," Ever said.

I smiled and went to go take out the cinnamon rolls from the oven. "Who wants food?"

Elliot raced over into the kitchen and picked up a roll. He let out a squeal of pain as his bare hand touched the piping hot pastry. "FU—"

I slapped my hand over his mouth and stuck his hand under cold water.

Ever sat on the bar stools at the counter and laughed. "You really are going crazy." She commented.

"Right!" I held my free hand up for a high-five.

"You two are so lucky that I love you," Elliot remarked glaring at us. I turned off the faucet and dried Elliot's hand. I put the cinnamon rolls in plates and drizzled icing over them.

Ever took a bite and grinned. "These are so good! Right Dad?"

Elliot took a bite and chewed slowly. "They're not amazing, but they'll do for now." He shrugged. He polished off three and reached for a fourth.

"I thought you said they weren't that good," I commented as he bit into his fourth roll.

He waved me off and finished his cinnamon roll before letting out a burp.

"GROSS!" Ever and I squealed.

Elliot laughed and got off his chair. He knelt down in front of me and spoke to my belly.

"Dude, hurry up and get out of there. I need someone to burp the alphabet with me." Elliot said. "Ever doesn't want to. I've given up and Jasper gets grossed out by it."

"If you teach our son how to burp the alphabet, I swear to god, I will punch you," I threatened him.

"One gross guy is enough," Ever agreed, giggling.

"HEY!" Elliot pouted and stood up. "You guys are so mean!" He whined and stomped away like a toddler.

"He'll be back," Ever said, glancing at the clock. "In 5, 4, 3, 2,1."

Elliot walked back and sat on his chair. "Ever? Do you want to learn how to burp the alphabet?"

Ever looked up from her food and glared at her dad.

"Never mind," Elliot mumbled.

Gosh, I love these two.


I have so much summer homework and school starts in 2 weeks. My mom wants me to finish everything by Friday, so that next week can be filled with shopping. I'm a huge procrastinator, so I have a feeling I'm going to be up at 3 on the first day of school trying to read the stupid book.

Honestly, The Glass Castle is so damn good. Then, the school is also making us read Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close. ELIC makes no sense and the sentence and dialogue is fucked up, so there are no words or anything separating conversations and you don't know who said what. (Ex: "I don't get it." "I don't either." "Who's that." "I don't know." "I'm bored." "This book sucks." "Life sucks.")

I have to finish a course about Algebra 1 so they know how good I am and if I can do Geometry. Then, I have to do a science packet that also doesn't make any sense. Can't forget that I have to annotate 5 pages of ELIC and answer 5 questions with 5 sentence paragraphs about the book. Also have to write 4 3-sentence paragraphs for social studies.

Thanks for reading this crazy book. Now, that I think about it, I should've named this book "Chaos" Instead of my other book being named that.

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