22- Mistakes

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"Ever? Dinner!" I called while carrying the plate of grilled cheese sandwiches to the table. Elliot was behind me with the bowl of tomato soup. Ever slowly walked downstairs and sat down at her usual spot at the table.

Elliot and I exchanged looks, but didn't question it. Once we finished setting the table we sat down. I poured some soup into all three bowls and passed them around.

Ever took a bite of the sandwich and chewed very slowly.

"Ever, is everything okay?" Elliot asked setting down his spoon.

"Dad?" She took a deep breath before continuing. "Was I a mistake?"

Elliot's eyes widened and he look at me. I stared at Ever with my mouth slightly open.

"Sweetheart, who gave you that idea?" I asked, gently.

"Eva, Lilian, and Tracy's moms. They kept saying that they were so sorry for me and kept laughing. They were talking about how I was the biggest mistake and that Dad deserved better." Ever said.

No one says that to my baby. Those bitches are going to get it.

Elliot's face hardened and he stood up from the table. He hugged Ever against his chest and kissed her hair.

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Those people don't know what they're talking about. They're just jealous that you're amazing and their kids aren't," Elliot explained. "I mean come on, you're good at sports and can kick some serious butt. Eva and Lilian can only paint their nails with their mommy's help. And Tracy who needs her?" Elliot said trying to cheer up Ever.

"Thanks, Dad," Ever hugged her dad.

"I love you, honey," Elliot kissed her on the head.

"Love you, too." Ever went back to her dinner. Elliot sat back in his own chair and squeezed my hand.

"Talk?" He mouthed.

I gave a slight nod and we finished dinner in silence.

"I'm going to read and then go to bed," Ever told us as we loaded the dishwasher.

"By 9 you need to be in bed," Elliot said, rinising a bowl.

"But it's summer, can't I stay up a little longer?" Ever protested.

Elliot shook his head. "No."

"Fine. Can we play basketball tomorrow?" She asked.

I nodded. "I don't have work until August. I can ask Reese and Liam if they want to come over."

"Yes!" She said to herself and went upstairs to her room.

Elliot chuckled and finished loading the dishwasher. I walked into the new nursery and sat down in the rocking chair. I stroked my giant belly and gently rocked back and forth.

"Hey, little guy," I spoke to my stomach quietly. "I can't wait for you to get here..."

(Elliot's POV)

I stood in the doorway as Jasper continued to talk to our baby.

"You're going to have such an amazing childhood. I'll make sure it was nothing like mine." Jasper let out a shaky breath. "Emily said the best part of being pregnant is getting to hold your child after giving birth to them. It's like your life is complete and I can't wait to experience that."

She picked up a small book and opened it.

"Once upon a time..." She started reading a fairy tale to our son. I waited until she was finished before going inside the room.

"Oh my god!" She gasped as I sat down in front of her. "Don't sneak up on me!" She scolded.

I leaned forward and gave her a huge smile.

"Can I?" I asked touching her stomach.

"Of course," Jasper said and slightly lifted her shirt, so her belly was visible. The baby kicked as I touched her bare stomach.

My heart was about to explode as looked at her stomach that held our child.

"Hey, little guy," I started. "It's your dad and I just want to say that I can't wait for you to get here. I promise to love you and take care of you no matter what. You, Ever, and Mom, you three are my whole world."

I looked up at my girlfriend who had tears in her eyes. I kissed her stomach slightly and jumped up to hug her.

"Please, don't cry," I murmured holding her against my chest. "I'll start crying too and it will end really bad."

Jasper let out a tiny giggle and looked up at me. "I love you so fucking much."

"I love you more," I kissed the tip of her nose. "Let's go sleep, I have to go catch a plane tomorrow at 5 in the morning."

Jasper groaned. "Fuck, I forgot about that." She stood up and held my hand. "You won't be here for your birthday," She said with a frown.

She looked so disappointed that it made me want to cancel the whole trip and just stay home with her forever.

But, that meeting was so important and I had to go.

"I'll try to be back as soon as I can," I promised as we entered our room. She parted her lips slightly while she closed the door behind us.

I just want to kiss her so bad. Every inch of body was aching to make out with her like we were in college again and didn't have any kids.

I gently pressed her against the wall and tilted my head down to kiss her. Jasper moved her hands so that they were gripping my hair. Our lips moved in sync and our tongues danced. My hands rested on her waist as she pulled me even closer. Suddenly, a nudge stopped us from our heated make out session.

We pulled apart and looked down at her stomach that was in between us.

"He kicked didn't he?" I asked with a smile playing on my lips.

"He knows the best timings," Jasper said, laughing.

"We need to name him," I reminded her.

"We do don't we," Jasper mused.


"He can't be nameless for a while?"

"You're the mother, it's your choice, but I'd like it if he had a name."

Jasper looked me in the eye and smiled. "What do you want to name him?"

"Well... I have a couple ideas, but we really need to sleep."


Q: What should Jasper and Elliot name their baby boy? I already have a name but I want to see if you guys come up with better ones.

Thanks for reading :)

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