20- Deep Sh*t

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"Jasper! We need you in the fitting area!" Abby called from the back of the store. 

"One sec!" I told her and hung up a dress on the rack. I walked to the back of the store and went to where Abby was talking to some lady. The lady was probably in her mid-thirties and had a pissed off expression. 

"Jasper," Abby said and turned to me. "We need some help with Mrs. Allen over here." She gestured to the pissed off lady. 

"Okay," I nodded and walked over to Mrs.Allen. "Hi, I'm Jasper. What seems to be the issue?"

"Your co worker doesn't know what the hell she's doing." She answered without missing a beat. "I asked her for a blue dress and she gave me a gray one. This occurred many times and she kept giving me a gray one. Don't hire color blind people for a bridal store." 

Abby pushed a rack of dresses over to me. "These are all blue. She asked for blue, I gave her blue. She calls them gray and I'm about to strangle myself with a hanger." She let out a huge sigh and went to the front of the store to help with another customer. 

The dresses were all blue. Abby even got different shades of blue just in case. Was this lady color blind or something?

I picked up a purple scarf from a chair and held it up. "What color is this?"

"Black, what do you think I am, color blind?" She spat. 

Not before, but now? Yup.

"No, ma'am," I lied and set the scarf down. 

"Hurry up, then. I have a wedding to go to next week and I need a blue dress." She ordered. 

I handed her a bright blue dress. "This is blue, Mrs.Allen."

"This. Is. Gray!" She exclaimed. "Clearly gray, you just are color blind." 

Now, I'm the one about to strangle myself with a hanger. 

Just as I was about to lash out, a man rushed over to us. 

"I'm so sorry," He apologized. "She's color blind and doesn't want to admit it. I'll take care of her." He glanced at my name tag before continuing. "Jasper. Thanks for your time." He grabbed Mrs.Allen and pulled her out of the store. 

"FREDRICK ALLEN GET YOUR DIRTY HANDS OFF ME! THOSE TWO STILL NEED TO GIVE ME A BLUE DRESS!!" Mrs. Allen screamed as Fredrick opened the front door. 

"Poor, Fred," Abby shook her head with sympathy. 

I chuckled and went back to the counter to finish checking the list of customers and dresses. The door opened again causing me to look up. Elliot walked in, holding a small bag. 

"Hey," I greeted him a smile and walked towards him. He kissed my cheek and handed me the bag. 

"I got you donuts," He said. 

"Thanks." I peeked inside the bag and let out a sigh. "You're the best."

Elliot smirked. "I know."

I gave him a flat look in response. "What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be at work?"

"Lunch break," He shrugged. "Well, I gotta go. We're having a designer come in to fit some models and it's going to be chaotic."

"Kind of like how today's been," Abby added from nearby. 

"Speaking of which, there was some lady screaming down the street about a blue dress and two color blind idiots." Elliot told us.

"That would be us," Abby said, laughing. 

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