36- Tattoos

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"You ready?" Elliot asked as we stood in front of the tattoo parlor.

"No," I admitted, squeezing his hand.

"So you know what you want right?" He asked as we entered the small building.

"Yes," I assured him and looked around the parlor.

Elliot and I had decided to get one couple tattoo and the rest, whatever we wanted.

"Hi," One of the artists greeted us. He had short black hair and bright green eyes. He was wearing a short sleeve shirt that showed off his tattoo covered arms.

"You must be Elliot and Jasper, correct?" He asked.

Elliot nodded to confirm.

"I'm Brady. I'll be doing yours, Elliot. James will be doing Jasper's."

Elliot kissed me quickly and followed the artist into a small curtained room.

"Jasper?" A deep voice asked from behind me.

I turned and went face to chest with a giant guy. Elliot was tall, but this guy was even taller. He could be around 6'9" easily.

"Ready to get your inks?" He asked.

"Yes," I answered, meekily, intimidated by his height and voice.

"I won't hurt you, don't worry," He added with a chuckle.

I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding and followed him into the corner. He had me sit down on the bed while he got everything ready.

"You know what you want?" He questioned.

I reached into my handbag and pulled out a piece of paper. He took it from me and studied the drawings, carefully.

"You have kids?" He asked while redoing my sketch.

"Yes, a boy and a girl."

"How old are they?"

"2 months and 8 years."

James looked up at me and scanned my face.

"How old are you?" He questioned.

"23," I replied.

He nodded and showed me his sketch of my drawings.

"Better?" He asked.

"A lot," I said with a slight smile.

He slipped on some new gloves and started cleaning my wrist with a alcohol wipe.

"I'm not gonna lie, it hurts," He warned me. "I'll give you something to squeeze if you want."

"Yes, please," I responded and took the little stuffed animal that James handed to me.

"One, two, three," he counted off before piercing my skin with needle. It stung a little, but it was nothing I couldn't handle.

I looked away and focused on the posters on the wall.

"And done," James said, covering my wrist with a bandage.

He finished doing all four of my tattoos and bandaged my skin. I had a tattoo on my wrist, shoulder, hip, and ring finger.

"Your boyfriend should be done, too." James informed me as he cleaned up.

I exited the room after thanking him and went to go check on my fiancé.

I loved being able to call him that. Soon, I would able to call him my husband.

"OW!" Elliot yelped in pain. "STOP STABBING ME WITH THE DAMN NEEDLE!"

I snickered as Elliot whined and complained. I decided to go inside the little room and watch. 

"Hey, Elli," I greeted him. 

"Hey, Jasp—OW!" He scowled at Brady. 

Brady pulled the tattoo gun back and sighed. 

"Can you please hold him, kiss him, or something," He asked me. "We're never going to get this done if he keeps screaming every time the needle touches him."

I wrapped my arms around Elliot and held him against my chest. His free arm went around my body and held me close. 

Elliot still winced whenever the needle touched him, but he wasn't screaming anymore. 

"You smell really good," He murmured into my shirt. 

"Thanks?" I responded as Brady bandaged up Elliot's skin. 

"Finally, you're done," Brady announced and went to go disinfect the needles and counter. 

He washed his hands and took us to go pay. 

"Card or cash?" He asked Elliot. 

"Card," Elliot answered and pulled out his wallet. 

Once we paid, we got into the car and headed home. The sun had already began to set as we drove down the streets. Tomorrow was Ever's first day of school and she was excited that Amber was going to be in the same class as her. 

It's weird how things work out in the end. I never thought that I would be engaged to the most handsome, intelligent, and caring guy I've ever met. Even though we had little fights every now then, we would makeup within an hour. All those grudges that we held after fights were over. 

To be honest, I'm glad I didn't die when I overdosed on pills. If I had died, I would've never been able to meet Elliot, Ever, and Issac. 

"What are you thinking about?" Elliot interrupted my thoughts. 

"Nothing," I said. 

"Whatever you say, honey," Elliot shot back, sneaking a glance at me before looking at the road. 

I smiled and stared at him. His eyes were focused on the road as his lips lifted into a smirk. 

"Stop staring," He said. 

"I'm good," I told him and continued to check out my fiance. 

"You're so creepy."

"You love it, though."

"Sometimes. As long as you don't do what you did on Friday at the store, I love it."

I groaned as he mentioned Friday night. 

"In my defense, she had nice toned arms," I defended myself. 

"Jasper, you followed her to her car and asked for an autograph, if you could touch her arms, and her skincare secrets! That's creepy, baby," Elliot said, exasperated. 

I shrugged. "She let me touch them." 


Hi y'all!

1K votes, I'm flipping out. Thank you guys so so so much. 

In English, we're analyzing stories and we were doing "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allen Poe. That's when I realized that most of Edgar Allen Poe's writings involve murder and revenge over small things. Take "The Tell-Tale Heart" for example, the guy murdered the old man because he didn't like his glass eye.   

His writings make me uncomfortable and give me the creeps.

Thanks for reading :)

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