23- Kick his donkey

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"Ever!" Reese squealed and gave her a giant bear hug. He caught sight of me and ran over. 

"Reese's Piece's!" I said as he hugged me. 

"Elliot's?" He gestured to my stomach. 

"Yup," I nodded. 

"300 dollars, pay up!" Reese told his husband. 

Liam handed Reese three 100 dollar bills. 

Wait, what?

"Did you guys bet on us?" I asked in disbelief. 

"When you guys came to the wedding back in November, I said that you were pregnant and that Elliot's child was in there. Liam being the gentleman said you weren't and that maybe you were just tired. I made a bet of 300 dollars and I won." Reese explained. "In your face, honey." He teased his husband.

"Can we play now?" Ever asked bouncing the basketball. 

"Yeah," Reese ran his hand through his hair and turned to Liam. "You coming, babe?"

"I'll keep Jasper company," Liam said. 

"Okay," Reese shrugged and ran after Ever onto the court. 

Liam sat down on the bench next to me and stretched his legs out in front of him. 

"So, how's life?" He asked as we watched Ever shoot a basket. 

"It's amazing and I thought I'd never say that." I admitted. 

"Come on! You're going easy on me!" Ever complained. 

Reese looked over at me for permission. "Can I?"

"Yes. Just so you know, she'll still kick your donkey!" I called back. 

"He doesn't have a donkey..." Liam said in confusion. "Ohhh. That's smart."

We talked about the most random stuff as Ever continued to win. A group of high school boys stopped playing to watch a 8 year old girl beat a 24 year old man. 

"Come on, Ever!" A bunch of people cheered along with Liam. 

"HEY!" Reese scowled at his betraying husband. "You're supposed to be on my side!" He complained not paying attention as Ever shot the ball into the hoop. The ball went through the hoop and onto the ground before rolling. 

"Oops," Ever said, cringing as Reese slipped on the rolling ball. 

Liam raced over to the court with me following behind. 

"Are you okay?" Liam asked Reese while helping him up. 

"I think I broke my back," Reese whined. He stretched to his full height and wiggled around. "Nope! I'm okay!" He turned to Ever with a glint in his eyes. "I challenge you to a little game."

"Okay," Ever agreed, confidently. She tightened her ponytail and adjusted her shirt. 

I smirked at Reese when I noticed him look a little nervous. 

"You have to make 1 half-court shot and 4 free throws. All in a row," Reese said running a hand through his blonde hair. 

I let out a low whistle. That's pretty tricky, especially since Reese is double the size of 8 year old Ever and has a greater advantage. 

"What if I do it?" Ever asked. 

Reese glanced between Ever and I before answering. "I'll take you guys out for a movie and dinner."

"Deal," Ever said and stuck out her hand for Reese to shake. 

"Something tells me Reese is going to lose," Liam mumbled. 

I nodded, agreeing as Ever and Reese bounced the ball down the court. 


"Thanks for dinner," I thanked Reese and Liam as they walked Ever and I to the front door. 

"Of course," Reese replied and hugged me. "We had fun." 

"This little one needs to play for a team," Liam said gesturing to Ever. 

"Elliot and I are actually thinking of that. We'll probably send her to a basketball camp first and then go from there," I told them while unlocking the front door. 

"Well, we got to get going," Reese said hugging Ever before waving to us. "We'll meet up again with Quinn's family, too." We said our goodbyes and parted ways. 

Reese and Liam walked to there car while Ever and I went inside. 

"So, I was thinking..." Ever started as I shut the door behind us. "We should go surprise Dad for his birthday. Like, we could go to his hotel room first and then go out for dinner."

I set down my bag and nodded. "We can ask Marilyn to help us and make sure he doesn't find out."

Marilyn is Elliot's personal assistant. We've become pretty good friends over the past few months.

I turned towards Ever. "I need you to go shower and then go to bed." 

"Okay, good night Jasper and little child," She said and went upstairs.

Little child? Ohhh.

I let out a soft laugh and filled up a glass of water. Sipping some water, I went into my room to get ready for bed. As I was showering, I thought about how great life has been. 

If life's been so great, then why does it fell like something bad is going to happen. 


Sorry, it's been a while since I updated. I'm trying to get everything into order and get comfortable with school. 

High school really isn't that bad. At least at my school, there's no mean girl or popular fuckboy or anything. You don't know who's popular and who's not because everything is kind of mixed. Seniors, juniors, sophomore, and freshmen, are all jumbled into this big group of kids. Plus, during passing period and lunch you can do whatever the heck you want expect for having sex and doing drugs(Don't do it at school) 

Couples hold hands and kiss and it's honestly really cringey, but at the same time I want something like that.

Thanks for reading :)

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