3- All the time

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"Why?" I asked them.

"He needs to go his parents party tomorrow and he has to bring a date. Morgan's going to be there too because her parents are friends with Elliot's," Quinn paused to look back at Elliot,"We basically need you to get Morgan jealous and satisfy his parents."

"Okay," I answered and go back to my room. I stayed up until 2 trying to get my paper just right.

A soft knock on my door made me jump. Elliot stuck his head inside the room and walked over to me. He knelt down and took my hands in his.

"Look, Jasper, I'm sorry. I never meant to be such a dick. If you don't want to be my date, that's okay," Elliot spoke softly.

"You can get any girl, but why me?" I asked him. His lips pulled into a smirk,"Maybe because you're the only girl I know who's not a stuck up little bitch. Plus, you're beautiful."

My breath caught in my throat and I blinked at his answer. He lifted me out of my chair and set me down on the bed. He hovered over me with a smile.

"What are you doing?" Elliot asked.

"What do you mean?" I looked at him in confusion.

"Your hands," He pointed to my hands that were touching his abs under his t-shirt. My face burned and I quickly pulled my hands back. He chuckled and stood up pulling off his shirt.

"Oh my god," I gasped softly. Elliot's smirk deepened and he got back onto the bed. He laid down next to me and wrapped an arm around my body.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked suddenly.

"You have nightmares and I want you to know that someone's always going to be there for you," Elliot buried his head into the crook of my neck and kissed my collarbone.

"You're not as a big of a dick as I thought," I said out loud.


"Hurry up," I urged Elliot.

"Oh my god, Jasper. Do you want to see me naked or something?" Elliot asked pulling up his slacks.

"I'm good, but the party starts in 45 minutes and it's an hour drive," I reminded him. He looked at me and smiled while putting on his shirt.

"See anything you like?" He asked as my gaze landed on his abs.

"Just finish buttoning your shirt," I told him and went back out to the living room.

"Elliot, your Mom's calling!" Quinn told him. Elliot came running out and grabbed the phone.

"Hey, Mama. We're starting right now. Quinn made a mess and we had to clean it up," Elliot lied. Quinn glared at him and continued to eat his crackers without breaking eye contact with Elliot.

I stifled a giggle as Elliot made up a bunch of excuses all including Quinn.

"Is he scared of his mom?" I asked Quinn after Elliot went back to his room to style his hair.

"Terrified, she's kind of strict. Don't worry she's really nice," Quinn said and offered me a cracker. I shook my head and checked my phone.

"Elliot, if don't hurry up, I'm going to run you over with my damn wheelchair!"I threatened. Elliot ran out holding his tie in one hand and putting on his gold watch.

"You're bossy," Elliot mumbled and opened the front door.

"Bye, Quinn," I waved to the 19 year old stuffing crackers in his mouth.

"BYE!" He squealed and slammed the door on us. Elliot and I stared at the door in confusion.

"Someone wants the apartment to themselves," Elliot muttered and walked to the elevator.

"Hi, Jasper and Elliot!" A voice greeted us from where the elevators are. Reese walked towards us and headed to the apartment door. Quinn opened the door grabbed the bag of food from Reese and slammed the door again.

"Those were mine," Reese said sadly looking at the door.

"Bye, Reese's Pieces," Elliot waved to our roommate who was still staring at the door with a offened look.

"Let's go before he starts crying about his food," Elliot whispered.

"He's done that before?" I asked as we got onto the elevator.

"Yeah, I was putting the groceries away and I accidentally touched his chocolate cake. He complained for the rest of the day that I tried to steal his cake," Elliot explained shuddering at the memory.

The elevator doors opened and we got out, making our way to the parking garage. Elliot unlocked a black Mercedes. I let out a soft gasp as we approched the beautiful car.

"If we're going to be late, we might as well, arrive in style," Elliot grinned.

"Mom, Dad, this is Jasper Banks," Elliot introduced me to his parents.

"Hi, honey, I'm Emma," Elliot's mom squatted down to hug me. Elliot's dad just smiled at me.

"Elliot may we have a word with you?" Mr. Avlet asked his son. Elliot nodded and mouthed that he'd be right back to me.

Elliot's POV
"What happened to Morgan?" Dad asked pulling me into a empty room.

"She cheated on me," I said and looked away.

"When?" Mom questioned.

"She's been cheating on me for over a year. I found out last night," I answered.

"Who's Jasper?" Dad asked with a disappointing look on his face.

"My roommate and girlfriend," I told him. Mom stared at me,"Girlfriend?"

I started to nod, but stopped and admitted the truth,"We're not dating. I just need Morgan to get jealous."

"Elliot, listen to me. We're okay with this whole take revenge thing, but be careful. Don't break Jasper's heart," Mom warned and opened the door.

My parents walked away to greet some more people. I exited the room and ended up crashing into Morgan.

"I'm so sorry," I held out my hand to help her up.

She stood up and glared at me,"You dick! First you break up with me and now you push me?!"

"I'm sorry, but I'm positive that you were the one who broke up with me last night after I found out about Tristan," I corrected her.

"Whatever!" She rolled her eyes and walked away to kiss some guy.

I trudged back to Jasper having lost my interest for this shitty party within the ten minutes we arrived.

"You okay?" Jasper asked as I sat down next to her.

"Want to go to the backyard?" I stood up and gestured for her to follow me.

We went outside and to the little porch thing at the opposite end of the yard.

"Do you ever feel like you're always letting people down?" I asked Jasper once we were far away from the party.

"All the time," She answered and looked up at the sky before looking back down.


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