9- Great News

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"Are you sure, Jasper?" Elliot sounded concerned. "You don't have to do this."

I nodded and moved my arm onto the little table. The nurse cleaned my arm with a little wipe before drawing out blood. I couldn't get myself to watch the needle, so I focused on my boyfriend.

Yup, Elliot and I are now dating. Our date went really well, and he asked me to be his girlfriend. Of course, I said yes.

"And done." The nurse said and covered my arm with a bandage wrap.

"Thank you." I smiled at her.

"No problem, honey." She handed me some apple juice before leaving the room.

As I took a sip of juice, I felt Elliot staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He leaned against the counter. "We'll visit Ever tomorrow."

"Okay." I finished my drink and threw away the cup.

"Ready to go?" Elliot asked.


We left the hospital and went back home.

"Thank god!" Quinn said as we walked into the apartment. The place was a mess. Papers were thrown across the room and there was silly string everywhere. The coffee table was upside down. The couch had a wet spot that reeked.

"What the hell happened here?" Elliot asked. 

Reese pointed at my puppy, Flash, who was sleeping. "That thing happened."

"Who Flash?" I laughed. "He's an angel."

"Sure."Quinn agreed, his voice laced with sarcasm. 


"Jasper?" Ever asked while coloring.

"Yes?" I looked up from my own coloring page. 

"Are you and Elliot going to get married?"

"Um..." I trailed off and looked at Elliot for help. He smirked and mouthed 'You're on your own'.

"Are you?" Ever asked again without looking up from her paper. 

"Uh...I...Oh, look there's a squirrel!" I tried to distract her.

She looked at me with a serious expression. "You're not good at this. I want a answer, Jasper. Yes or no?"

"Ever, that's enough." Elliot told his little sister. "You need to go to sleep and Jasper has to go to her therapist."

"Okay." She nodded and stacked up all her papers. She handed them to Elliot who set them on the little table next to her bed. 

"Jasper, can I talk to Ever before we leave?" Elliot asked me. 

I nodded and exited the room to give them some privacy. After a couple minutes, Elliot walked out with a small smile. 

"What?" I asked, moving the wheels on my chair. 

"She likes you, a lot." He said as his smile grew bigger. "Possibly more than I do."

I let a small laugh escape my lips. "And how much do you like me?"

He pursed his lips and thought about his answer as we got into his car. "A lot." He finally said. 

"Good. I like you a lot too." I leaned over the middle console and kissed his cheek. 

His face turned red as he reversed the car out of the parking spot. 

"Is Elliot Avlet blushing just because I kissed his cheek?" I teased. Elliot glared at me when a traffic light turned red. 

We got to the therapist's office and went to Dr.Mendel first. 

"Jasper! Nice to see you!" Sam greeted me. "I haven't seen you in what a month?"

"More or less, yes." I nodded. 

"How are things going?" He asked noticing Elliot next to me. 

"Great, we're dating now." I gestured to my boyfriend. 

We talked for a little longer before going to the physical therapist. 

"Hi, Jasp!" Jack said hugging me. Elliot stiffened from next to me and cleared his throat. 

"Oh," I pulled away from the hug. "Elliot this is Jack and Jack this is Elliot."

Jack smiled and stuck his hand out to Elliot who shook it. 

"Where was this guy the first time we came here?" Elliot whispered when Jack turned to set up his computer. 

"Vacation," I told him as he lifted me onto the bed. 

"Oh." Elliot said and folded up my wheelchair. 

"Okay, Jasper. Today we're going to get you to stand." Jack stood up and motioned for Lila, his assistant, to help him.

Elliot stood in the corner and watched quietly. Jack and Lila got me to touch the ground with my foot. 

"Do you feel anything?" Lila asked. 

"It's kind of cold." I said looking at my foot. 

"That's good!" Jack squealed. "Now, we're going to set your other foot down."

I took a deep breath and moved my other foot onto the ground. 

"And stand straight," Lila told me as I stretched to my full height. 

"Jasper, I have great news." Jack started. "We might able to get your legs moving again within 2 months."


This chapter was kind of short. The next chapter is going to reveal something big ;)

Thanks for reading :)

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