24- Loss

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"Hey, Jasper!" Marilyn's cheery voice greeted me as I answered the phone.

"Hi!" I said, zipping up my suitcase while pressing my phone against my ear.

"Your flight is in 4 hours. I'm sending Nick to pick you guys up and drive you to the airport," She explained. "Once the plane lands here, I'll pick you two up and drive you to the hotel."

"Sounds good. Once again, thanks for doing this on such a short notice," I thanked her and lifted my suitcase off the bed.

"Of course, sweetheart. I can't wait to see you guys again. It's been so long! Oh, hi, Elliot...Jasper...here." I heard shuffling before Elliot's voice came through.

"Hey, baby." He greeted me.

"You okay?" I asked noticing how his voice was different. He sounded like he had a stuffed nose or something.

"Yeah, they forgot to tell me that we were shooting with a bunch of cats."

"That sucks."

"Anyways, what are you guys doing?"

I glanced at Ever who was trying to get her small suitcase downstairs.

"Oh, we're just cleaning up around the house."

"Okay. Be careful and don't tire yourself out."

"Got it."

"I love you."

"I love you, too." We ended the call.

"Ready, Ever?" I asked her. "Nick is going to be here soon."

"Yup!"She said and put on her shoes. "I can't wait to see his reaction!"

I let out a laugh and ignored the weird feeling in my chest.


"So the plan is that we get you a room across the hall. Then, you and Ever can pretend that you walked into the wrong room. And that's about it." Marilyn said.

Ever and I watched her talk to the receptionist before leading us upstairs.

"This is your room," She scanned a card under the door handle and pushed it open.

Words can't describe how amazing the room looked. I didn't get any sleep on the plane or last night, so I was really excited to see a comfy bed.

"I'll let you guys settle in and get your stuff unpacked or whatever else you need to do. At about 5, you can go to Elliot's room," Marilyn told us before exiting the room.

A few minutes later, Ever and I got ready to go to Elliot's room.

"I'll knock," Ever said as we exited our room.

"Okay," I nodded and watched her lift her hand to knock on the door.

"I already told you—" Elliot stopped talking and looked at us with a confused expression. "No way."

He hugged Ever first before pulling me against his chest. He kissed my lips and smiled.

"When'd you guys get here?" He asked taking us inside.

"About an hour ago," I shrugged as he helped me sit down on the couch.

"How do you feel?" He asked touching my stomach lightly.

"Great," I answered with a smile.


"Are you guys done?" Ever interrupted.

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