Chapter 9

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'Aayan...?' Dad said taking slow steps towards me

I take a step back, and I literally cannot find my voice...

He looked weak, with dark circles under his eyes, his hair turning silver from sides...
He lost weight, his eyes were tired, I can see that he was in tears through his rimless glass...

He was not this weak, when I saw him last time...

Why is he using a support stick to walk...?? What happened to him...?

With much difficulty I found my voice, It was devastating to see him like this...

My Tall, Strong, ever smiling, perfect dad, turned into this cold, sad, slouching weak, old man...

I won't forgive you for this Maa...

Dad was staring at me in anticipation, Damn ! I have to say something...

I want to move forward, but my feet are cold... 

I am nervous in front of my own father....

Naina Mom patted my shoulder, encouraging me to go ahead...

I nervously look at her and she smiles assuringly...

Big dad was looking at us, he stood behind Dad to support him...

I took a deep breath and hesitantly walked towards him, he was staring at me all the time with faint smile...

He is going to cry I swear...

I bend to touch his feet, to take his blessings.. With trembling hands he stops me mid way...

I gulp and stand, I don't want to cry...

He engulfs me in a hug and begins sobbing...

I don't know how to react, I was shocked, terrified, emotional at same time...

'I missed you son... ' Dad said

I hesitantly hug him back, tears filled my eyes too...

'Me too Papa... ' I whispered

He hugged me more tightly on this, like he will never let me go..

It was so overwhelming, seeing my father like this...

I wonder whether Aayan is mine or that bastard's...

I remembered his vile words that still scar my mind and I instantly broke the hug...

Slightly moving away from him, while he stared at me confused...

He looked disappointed, then wiped his tears...

'How are you Papa, why you need this...?' I ask pointing at the stick..

'Now I am good beta, this is nothing... ' he throws away the stick

But as soon as he does that, he loses his balance, Me and Big Dad rush towards him to catch him midway from falling...

Mom gasped.. 

'Papa.... ' I breathe, my heart hammering badly

'Are you crazy Jai...' Big dad scolds holding him from behind

Whereas I was holding him from the front, while Naina mom hands him the stick...

'Be careful Jai... ' Mom says

He is so careless, when it comes to his health, this elevates my anger..

'What is this Papa, what were you thinking...?' I say annoyed but didn't raise my voice, because still I don't have that much courage to yell at my father.... Morally I shouldn't do this as well...

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