Chapter 21

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Arjun's Study

Arjun was flipping pages of the file on his hand

He was staring blankly at the page, not really reading anything

Naina enters the room and sees him worried, she keeps his medicines and milk on the table and hugs him from behind

He was startled a little, but then he relaxed and sighed holding Naina's hands

'Are you angry on Ananya for dating that guy...?' Naina asked

He takes a deep breath, and turns around, and makes Naina sit in the chair adjacent to him

'You know I don't mind this dating thing for any of our children... I am just.....worried for her...' he said with hint of sadness in his voice

'What is worrying you ?' Naina asks

'What if she...' he begins but then stops, and looks at his wife

'What if ?' Naina encourages him

He sighs again and continues
'What if she gets a guy like me...?'

Naina looks at him confused

'Then she will be the luckiest girl... You are the best husband and father anyone can have...' she smiles

'But, I was the stupidest guy to date and worst man to fall for...' he says

'That's not true...' Naina counters

'You suffered the most because of me, and you are saying this...?' Arjun looks down with guilt

Naina smiles and makes him look up

'You were worth the struggle, Arjun...' she says looking straight into his eyes

He smiles and kisses her forehead
'And I am the luckiest man in this world to get the privilege of being your husband...' he said caressing her face

'Yeah, That's true...' she teases him and he chuckles

'But I don't want my daughter to have that fate Naina, I want the best for her...' Arjun sighs

'Arjun, she will get the best guy... And don't worry, she is strong enough to deal with any situation...' Naina assures him

'I won't let her face any hardship or difficulty....' Arjun says

'Arjun, That's not....' Naina tries to counter

'Please Naina, you and my kids are my life... I can't bear to see anyone of you in pain, especially my princess....' He says

'Fine...' Naina sighs 'But remember, life has it's own ways to teach everyone their lessons, so no matter how hard you try, if Ananya is meant to face some struggle, it will happen for sure...'

'Not until I am alive...' Arjun counters

'No one can argue with you, in Ananya's case...' Naina gives up

'My daughter is my pride, Any distress to her, is a trauma for me...' Arjun says

'Don't worry about her...' Naina says

'You know I go crazy, if anything happens to Ananya....' he replies

'She is not a baby Arjun...'

'She will always be a baby for me...'

Naina doesn't reply as she knows, it's waste of time to argue with Arjun when it comes to their children's well being....

She gives him his medicine and milk

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