Chapter 36

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          *****NEWS FLASH******

Business tycoon Jai Varma's son Aayan Varma arrested for beating up a minor...

According to our sources, the victim's condition is critical, he is been admitted in the city hospital...

The victim is being identified as Aayan's step brother, Sameer Singhal...

According to eye witnesses, the brothers got into a fight over some property issue in the cafe and Aayan got violent...

We have Aayan Varma's business partner, Samar Sahani with us

**Samar's Voice**

'Aayan always had anger issues, he would get violent with us or our staff even on petty issues, we had to hospitalise one of our employees because of his anger...  He also took anger management courses, but none of them worked on him...
I am not really surprised to see this side of him...  I am one of the victims of his wrath too... Well being the only son of such a well known business tycoon, fills you with pride, and such rich brats feel that they own the world... The hard working newbies like me, who don't have rich fathers, have no other option but to work with such people.... '

Vansh turns off the TV and throws the remote control on the sofa...

'Stupid Paid media...!' He grits angrily

'That Yash is not at all critical...!' Viraj exclaimed

'And that fucker Samar ! How can he say such lies about Aayan Bhai... ' Rudra says angrily...

'Language Rudra... ' Ria scolds him

'Sorry Maa, but all these news are wrong... ' Rudra retorts

Jai and Arjun sat quietly on the sofa, while Aayan was made to lie on a recliner chair, and Ved was sitting with him...

'Yash started the fight, the manager testified that...  He had a tussle with Yash, not Sameer...  What's wrong with these people...!' Vansh exclaimed

'I don't understand, why don't they show something productive rather than interfering in our personal lives... ' Naina sighed caressing Aayan's hair

'Singhal would've paid them, he couldn't harm Aayan legally, so he is ruining his image in front of everyone... ' Arjun said

'Paa can't we stop this...? This gossip mongering will ruin Aayan's reputation, and his company will suffer...' Vansh said

Arjun looked at him briefly and then said..
'Don't you have any contacts in the Media ? Can you arrange a phone call between me and that channel's owner....?' Arjun asked Vansh

Vansh thought for a while, and then said excitedly...

'Yes ! Yes... I can do that... Of course...! Give me 5 minutes... ' he picks his phone and walks out of the room

'Why would Annie do this....?' Ved asked and Aayan took a deep breath, controlling his anger

'That is what I am thinking.... ' Arjun said slowly

'Bhai I don't think Ananya did this intentionally.... ' Ria said

'What can be the possible reason behind her action... ?' Jai asked

'Only she can answer... ' Aayan said not looking at anyone

Vansh comes inside the room holding his phone, one hand on it's speaker...

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