Chapter 44

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New Delhi...
Thapar's residence...

Arjun and Jai were sitting on the garden, having their tea..

Arjun's health was better, his difficulty in breathing was not bothering him much, but doctors still advised him to rest...

'I think I should come back to the office from tomorrow... ' Arjun said sipping his tea

'I'll hit you with this stick on your head, if you think something like that... ' Jai warned him and Arjun laughed

'But I am bored sitting in the house... ' Arjun whined

'Bear it for few more weeks old man, get completely fit and then come to the office... ' Jai said

'But... ' Arjun began

'No buts, don't worry about the office... Ved has managed everything very efficiently in your absence, also Sash - Adi and me are there to guide him... ' Jai said and Arjun smiled

Their gate opens and a black SUV gets inside and halts in front of the house..

They look at the car and then at the person getting out of it...

'Sid...!' Arjun exclaims standing up

Sid walks towards them smiling and then hugs Arjun

'I missed you buddy... ' Arjun said

'I missed you too... How is your health...?' Sid asked breaking the hug

'I am good now... ' Arjun smiled

'Hey old man... ' Sid hugged Jai

'I am not the sick one here, he is the old man now... I am young again... See... ' Jai said flexing his muscles and they laughed 

Sid takes a seat beside them and takes out a box of sweet from the bag he was holding and forwards it to Arjun

'Vansh's production house started with their first film yesterday...' Sid said

Jai smiled at this and looked at Arjun who was staring at the box, tears filling his eyes...

'It's okay you can cry, we are not going to judge...' Sid said holding Arjun's shoulder...

Arjun broke down at this and Sid hugged him tightly...
'You are really a crazy man Arjun, your son achieved his goal and instead of getting happy, you are crying....?' he caressed his hair

'These are happy tears man... ' Jai wiped his own tears..

'He hates me right...!' Arjun sobbed

'No... He doesn't hate you, trust me on this... ' Sid smiled wiping his tears

'How do you know...?' Arjun asked

'Okay, I am not supposed to tell you this, but when the contract was finalised... Vansh got drunk that night and then cried holding me, saying that he misses you.... ' Sid said and Arjun - Jai chuckled

'How bad was he...?' Arjun asked wiping his tears

'Just like his mother... ' Sid commented and they laughed

'Why don't you tell him Arjun...?' Sid said

'Tell him what...?' Arjun asked

'That you are doing all these on purpose, taunting him, throwing him out of the house... It hurts you more than anyone, even more than Naina...' Sid said

'It doesn't matter Sid... ' Arjun said

'Of course it does Arjun, the boy will start hating you... He has to know... ' Jai said

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