Chapter 122b

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Verma's house backyard...

Aayan was sitting on a swing, which was placed right at the centre of the garden Jai built behind the house when Aayan was a kid, where he spent the happier times of his childhood

This place was abandoned shortly after Priyanka left, so the beautiful garden was gone due to lack of maintenance, but now it was being restored, so that Nitaraa's, Aayan's and Sameer's children can play here

The garden used to have varieties beautiful flowers and creepers all over, Also on the left, there was a small area, where his grandmother would grow vegetables, but now this garden just had a mango tree which his grandmother planted when Nitaara was around 3, Aayan never saw his Grandma, she was gone just a few months before he was born

Yes, Aayan and Jai were back to their old house, which was opposite to the Thapar's, this was the place they shared with Priyanka for a brief period of time, Now Jai and his children can finally let Priyanka stay off from their minds, now that she was gone, those painful memories she gave to them were slowly fading away too

Aayan closed his eyes and remembered those few happier moments from his childhood, he spent here...

Aayan and his dog Jo Jo would play here and on this very swing, Jai and Aayan would sit and do their art work, Aayan right from the start outshone Jai in terms of being an artist...

When things went bad, Aayan would sit on this swing to calm himself down while his parents fought inside the house, and today when Aayan is uncertain about what will happen in his life, this swing is there, like a loyal companion

Aayan softly brushed his hands against the metal chains of the swing and rested his head on it, closing his eyes, slowly pushing the swing with his legs

I wish I stayed 6 year old forever, things were far better then...

'Wow this swing is still the same, it's like the time didn't pass for it...' Ved says

'I so wish to be this swing right now...' Aayan says not opening his eyes and Ved chuckles

'And I wish to be PM of this country, not everyone's absurd wish can be fulfilled right...?'

'Your sense of humor is so bad, that I get confused, whether to pity laugh or hit you for such terrible jokes..' Aayan whines and Ved frowns

'See, in us siblings, Annie is Witty, Vansh is humorous and Me... Well I am me... But you are my best friend, you have bear with me' Ved hits him

'Ofcourse, I'll stick with you, and no matter what happens today... If not as your brother in law, I will always be there for you as your best friend' Aayan says, making him sit beside him on the swing and Ved forced a smile

'Are you sure you'll be okay, if Annie decides otherwise...?'

'I've stopped thinking bro, the more I think, the more I get anxious, and I start cursing my fate more... So Whatever will happen I'll accept it...' Aayan sighs

'I am confident that Annie won't do anything stupid...'

'She married me...' Aayan comments and Ved chuckles at this

'That's probably the best thing happened....' Ved begin, but Aayan cut him off in between

'To me... That's the best thing happened to me, not her...' Aayan says

'How do you know...?'

'Look at her Ved, is she your happy go lucky little sister anymore...?'

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