Chapter 56

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Aayan left the cafe in rage, without realizing that he was already seen by Sameer, when he entered the cafe...

Sameer smiled, but decided to stay quiet and not tell anything to Ananya

'So ? What's the emergency...?' He asked

'How do you know there is a emergency...?' Ananya asks bewildered

'I just know, now shoot... ' Sameer replied bored

'Okay... So I really don't know who to speak, because Deeps is already worried because of Ved Bhai, and I don't think Vansh Bhai has time to listen to my rant.... So I have only you now... ' Ananya said

'Glad to know that I am number three on your emergency listeners list...' Sameer said sipping his glass of water and Ananya narrowed her eyes

'Do you want to listen or not... ' she huffed

'Okay okay... ' he raised his hands in defense

'So.... Last week on my birthday... ' she began but Sameer cut her off in between

'It was your birthday...! Why didn't you tell me..! I could've brought you a gift, dude where is my treat....?' Sameer exclaimed in one breath

'Sameer...!' Ananya whined

'Okay okay... Sorry... Now say... ' He said placing his hands over his mouth

'Yeah... So... Last week on my birthday, for the first time in 25 years of my life, I received stupid, cheesy gifts from your brother...' she said

'Yash...?' Sameer asked confused

Ananya narrowed her eyes on him and hit him on his hands

'Aayan... ' She huffed

'Oohh... Okay... Continue.... ' Sameer said

'He never wished me on my birthdays, ever.. Me and Papa share our birthday by the way, so he would always wish Papa, but not me...  I don't mind him not wishing me anyway... But now suddenly he is interested in me... ' Ananya said annoyed

'Just ignore his wishes na, if you don't like his attention...why are you so bothered...' Sameer raised his brows 

'Listen further... ' Ananya said glaring

'Okay... '

'He sent me all the stupid teddy, roses, chocolate, cards for my birthday, with cringe worthy pick up lines...' Ananya said dramatically shivering

'Wow...' Sameer said looking towards Aayan's seat, which was empty now

'Then, he said he has a special surprise for me, and then my father enters into the picture, saying that he wants me to get married to Aayan... ' Ananya said and Sameer chocked on his coffee...

'What... ' He said coughing..

Ananya gave him a glass of water, after hitting him on the back...

'That was one hell of a surprise from my talented brother... ' Sameer said, wiping his mouth with a tissue

'I know....' Ananya exclaimed

'So shall I start calling you Bhabhi from now on...?' Sameer teased

Ananya glared at him and then smirked

'I said no for the marriage...' she replied and Sameer stared at her shocked..

That explains his presence here... Sameer muttered to himself..

'What are you blabbering...?' Ananya asked

I Will Never Be YoursOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz