Chapter 111

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Valerio Catullo Airport, Italy..

Vansh pushed the trolley, carrying his luggage towards the entrance of the airport, and Vikrant followed him...

Vansh hasn't spoken a single word since he got the news..

After Arjun's call he was worried and hurriedly packed his things to leave for Mumbai, but when Ved called to inform him what happened, he was devastated...

Just a few hours ago, he prayed for the well being of his sister and her child and now he receives the mournful message of her losing the baby...

He could neither speak much nor cry, he had no idea what to do ! For the very first time in his life he was blank...

Vansh had no idea what he will do there, but wanted to be with his family at this difficult time...

'Bro, Are you sure, you will be able to manage...? I mean I can come...' Vikrant began, but Vansh cut him off

'And what difference will your presence make ? Will Annie's baby be alive again ? Or Amayraa will come back to her senses...!' Vansh snapped

Vikrant had no answer to this, he knew it was best to keep quiet right now, because Vansh was in no mood to hear anything...

'Take care bro...' Vikrant hugs him as he was about to enter the departure terminal..

Vansh did not say anything just nodded....

'Take care of things here, and come back as soon as possible...' Vansh said, wearing his backpack and picking up his other bag

'And if you don't understand anything, ask Khushi...' he finished and her mention made him remember his behavior today...

He sighed, He knew his action was wrong, but right now he had no time to rectify the mistake, his family needed him..

Vansh took out the phone from his pocket and  removed Khushi's Sim card from it..

'Buy her a new phone... I have hers...' he shows the phone to Vikrant and he nods

'Tell her I am sorry...' he murmured and Vikrant couldn't understand what he said


'Uh.. Nothing... See you... Bye...' Vansh hugged him for the last time and was about to turn towards the gate when he saw her..

She was standing far away from them, staring him with hopeful eyes, which were tearful, and Vansh knew why were they glum....

Vansh stared at her too, but he had a troubled look on his face, it's like he was trying to explain his helplessness to her...

Vikrant followed Vansh's gaze and witnessed the eye contact between them, he sensed something has happened, but chose to stay silent, because this was not the right time..

Vansh cannot bear her expectant gaze he turned around and walked into the departure gate, leaving her heartbroken, she was in tears seeing him leave just like that and turned to walk away from there...

May be he was not meant for me...

3 hours later...

Arjun was sitting on the stool, beside Ananya's bed, he was crying all the time...

She was still unconscious, and looked so pale right now, he held her hands which were surprisingly warm, and wiped his tears...

His heart sank on thinking about how she will react, when she comes to know about her baby and Amayraa...

Because Aayan was devastated after knowing what happened to Amayraa and their baby, he became violent and started breaking things around him, it took Ved, Jai and two ward boys to control him, and then he was sedated by the doctor, as he was not ready to take rest...

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