Wedding (Part 2)

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Ananya covered her mouth to prevent the sob from escaping, she slowly took baby step backwards, and without making any noise, ran downstairs..

No one saw her coming inside, and to her luck, even now the hallway was empty so that no one can see her running out with tears streaming down her eyes...

She sneaked out of her house to surprise Aayan and show him her henna, as this was the last time, they will be meeting as bachelors, because after tomorrow they will be husband and wife...

Little did she know that she was going to get biggest shock of her life...

Ananya couldn't believe that Aayan had such plans, she was seeing a happy life with him and he was planning a revenge on her..

Why will he marry and then leave me...?

You made my life miserable...!
I will come back to return the favour...

So this is your comeback Aayan Varma...

She ran inside her house through the backdoor, and without anyone noticing, she tip toed inside her room and locked it from inside

Tears rolled down her eyes...

Aayan broke her heart, not once, not twice, but thrice...

She felt pathetic to give in so easily just because he talked sweetly with her...

She wanted a perfect love story like her parents, but her fate had different plans...

Yes Arjun broke Naina's heart, but he took efforts to win her back, Arjun had no intentions of hurting Naina, yes he was confused, yes he did a mistake, but he would never ever think of hurting his Naina

It would be a stupidity to compare Aayan with Arjun, indeed Arjun was stupid, but Aayan is evil...

Ananya who was raised like a princess by her father love, was reduced to nothing by Aayan's hate..

But she was her parents daughter after all, with Naina's pride and Arjun's determination...

This is the last time I am crying for you Aayan Varma...

Enough... Now I won't be stupid to believe you straightaway, Actually I won't be stupid enough to believe you at all...

You are a devil Aayan Varma, you don't deserve a soft corner from anyone

You want to spoil my life...?
Make my life a living hell...? 
You know what.. 
Two can play this game...!

Let's see who leaves whom..?
Who gives up first...! 
Who makes whose life hell...!

Ananya angrily wiped her tears and furiously began ruining her almost dried henna...

You dared to mess with my ego Aayan Varma, be ready to face the worst years of your life...

She picks up the gift box which she planned to give him after the wedding and tore open the wrapping paper...

It revealed a photo frame with their picture when they danced on their engagement, in which they are staring at each others eyes and smiling...
She smashed it on the floor, and the frame was broken into pieces...

'I hate you Aayan Varma...! I hate you...!!!!' She said angrily

Just let me figure out what you want from me, and let me disappoint you to the core...

I Will Never Be YoursTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon