Chapter 27

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Next Day...
Ananya's POV

'Good morning Ananya... ' He called in his mesmerising voice, gently shaking me...

I hugged my teddy tightly, snuggling myself into him and groaned
'Please 5 more minutes... '

'It's already late Ananya, get up please... ' he tried to pull away my teddy

'5 minutes Aayan...' I say and pull the duvet over my face

There was silence...

'How do you know it's me...?' he asked with a hint of surprise in his voice


My eyes flutter open and I curse myself

Now he will know that I get his dreams...
Damn it...

Before I could do anything, the duvet was pulled off me and I felt the cold air on my feet...

I quickly sprang up from my sleeping position, and cover my legs as I was in shorts and I was uncomfortable of him seeing me wearing it...

It's not like he never saw me in shorts, but I don't know why his gaze make me uncomfortable, not in a bad way ofcourse...  More like shy...

'I am up... ' I say, not looking at him

He didn't reply, which made me curious...

'What happened...?' I look up to him and he was staring at me with his hazel green eyes, which were captivating... 

'You are a weirdo... ' he says

I glare at him, 'Thank you... What did I do to get such a nice compliment... '

'Who sleeps in shorts in this chilling winter...' He comments..

'Who works out wearing thin vests in this winter... ' I shot back...

He opens his mouth to argue back, but then closes it...
'Yeah whatever... ' he says rolling his eyes

'How do you know, it was me who woke you up...?' He asked

Damn it..

'I saw you entering my room... ' I lied

'But your eyes were closed... ' He said giving me a suspicious look

'No I was awake when you came inside, I just didn't want to get out of the bed... ' I said hugging my teddy

He didn't seem to buy the reason, but didn't say anything

There was awkward silence, with him thinking about something, and me trying to lie down again...

I want to sleep more...
It's only 8...
I can take a quick nap for 10 mins...

When I was slowly lying down on my comfortable bed, he caught me by my arm, shaking me vigorously...

'No more sleeping... ' he said

Why is he so mean...

'How come you are waking me up today....?' I ask him irritated

'Mom asked Ved to wake you up, but he was busy, so he asked me to do it...Now come on... Leave the bed... ' he said again pulling my duvet

I pulled it back, covering my legs

'Why are you getting uncomfortable, it's not like I haven't seen you in these.. ' He says leaving the duvet

'Yeah but... ' I look away

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