Chapter 32

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Narrator's POV

It was midnight, but Aayan couldn't sleep, he was confused about his next step, As now he promised Jai that he will think about moving back to Delhi...

It was not as easy, as it seemed to be...
AYSA was still functioning and he still shared his staff, stakes and profits with his not-so-dependable partner, Samar...

He has to fight a legal suite for split at the company's tribunal, which was a long process, also his investors, resources, team, everyone was based in Bangalore...

It won't be easy for him to get his desirable share from AYSA, and move his entire work to Delhi...

Although Jai and Arjun would happily help him to establish his firm here in Delhi, but he didn't want to involve them...

Also he didn't want to ruin his budding relation with his dad...
Things were going back on track, but at the stake of Aayan's career, which he was not ready to compromise...

He tossed the quilt covering him and got out of his bed

Maybe I should get some fresh air... He thought and wearing his t shirt, and left his room

While walking towards the staircases that descend down to the exit of the house, he saw the lights of Ved's room were on...

Is he awake...?

He knocks the door, but no one answers...

He knocks again, but no one answers this time too, he turns the knob and opens the door...

When he enters his room, he finds Ved sitting on the Bean bag, his headphones on, a gaming controller on his hands and eyes focused on the screen

Aayan enters his room, and Ved doesn't seem to notice that
He was playing counter strike online, with a player called 'The Indestructible 007', but it seemed that Ved was destroying his troops and Mr. Indestructible was not so 'Indestructible'

'Good going bro... ' Aayan patted his shoulders which startled him

He put his headphones off
'Hey Aayan... Sorry I didn't hear you...' he said

'No problem man ! You aced this game too... You were not this good when we used to play... ' Aayan said

'Yeah after you left, I practiced a lot... ' Ved said focusing his eyes on the screen

Just then Ved destroyed the enemy base, and the energy level of his opponent came to minimal...

'Wow Ved, you are good... Your opponent seems to be a kid... I mean look at his gaming ID... ' Aayan commented

'Believe me, this opponent is more kid than just his ID... ' Ved chuckled, and continued to beat his opponent

Ved threw his final grenade on the enemy's camp and it was destroyed
And the screen flashed 'VeD T wins..'

'Wooahhh hooo... Well done.... ' Aayan cheered and High fives Ved...

Just then his room's door opens and a pissed off Vansh enters stomping his feet like a kid

'Stop whooping my ass in the game...I am your younger brother... You should let me win.... ' he whines

'Learn to win by yourself, little bro... ' Ved said fixing the collar of his polo t shirt

Vansh narrows his eyes at him and then huffs

'Practice my little brother... Practice.. It will make you better... ' Ved teased him

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