Character's Rant

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All the characters are gathered in a seminar like arrangement, as they have called the author to ask few questions....

They are seated on their chairs and there is a small podium where the author will sit...

Author glancing at the arrangement from the corner..
A : Why do I feel that I am in trouble, Again...? It feels like some court proceeding...

She is startled when someone puts a hand on her shoulder..

A : *yelps* Mummy... !!

And everyone turn backwards  to look at her...
Author looks at the person who startled her and sees Vansh smirking at her

A: Hey kid...!  How are you...?

Vansh : Don't call me a kid, I am older than you...

A : *rolls her eyes* I created you

Vansh : Whatever... I am still the older one...

He drags her,towards the podium and grins at everyone..

Vansh : Look what I found, lying in the corner, no no.. It's not a trash... But yeah something like that only..

A : Heyyy....

Author takes her seat, and everyone look or more like glare at her, she ignores them

A : What do you want to ask...? 

Arjun : When will your actions improve...?

A : What did I do now...?

Naina : You messed up all my children's life, that's not fair..

A : It's not as messed up as yours...

Jai : What did I do to you...? Why the hell am I so miserable...?

A : *Looks guilty* I am so sorry Jai... I know I was unfair to you, but Aayan had to...

Jai : His life is probably more messed up than mine, see I don't mind living like this, but give my son some solace...  Why he is always in trouble...

Arjun : And why my Ananya makes him land in all those troubles....

Naina : Why is Arjun always after my Vansh, and you made Ved, as the younger version of his father... Why..??

A: Everything will be fine Naina, don't worry...

Jai : Well, I must thank you for divorcing me with Priyanka, I didn't like her much though...

Naina and Arjun look at him shocked

Jai : What... She didn't let me play Video games... And I had to give away my avengers collection, because she thought it was childish...

Adi : *gasping* Man she was evil...

Jai : I know right...

A: So you are not angry on me for separating you from your wife...?

Jai : Naah... I don't mind being vulnerable, as long as I am hot and rich

Sash : You are above 55 in this story...

Jai : *gasps and glares at the author* I still don't like you...

Sash : Care to explain why am I divorced...?

A : You are not divorced... You wife doesn't live here with you , that's it...

Sash : Very kind of you... *rolls his eyes*

A : I'll explain your story too in further parts...

All the older characters nod and then start chattering among themselves...

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