Young Master (XXI)

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(A/N: !!Warning!! There is some mature content that is going to come up that you might find disturbing. There is going to be a rape scene that is going to happen. You have been warned!)

Wei Yue's mind felt heavy and groggy. Her eyes slightly opened and saw a blurry unfamiliar surrounding. She tried to focus but couldn't, as if there was a fog in her mind.

This lasted for about seven minutes before she heard a door open. A male voice came from the door, "Are you sure you got the right one?"

Kidnapper B, "Ah, we did as we were instructed. It's just... that there was two of them and they didn't say anything about that so we took both of them."

Kidnapper A, "Yeah, so boss... what do we do now?"

Boss, "We do what we were hired to do."

This statement made Wei Yue become fully awake. She knew what they were hired to do and she didn't want to become apart of it. She blinked and forced her eyes to focus and looked up.

Two ugly men were standing before her and not far was a middle age man who was wearing a suit coat and a red dress shirt. Wei Yue wanted to shout at them but found that her mouth had been gagged.

The two kidnappers noticed that Wei Yue was awake and laughed, "Oh, look at whose awake?"

Wei Yue eyes widen with dread. No! This wasn't how things were supposed to be. What happened? How did I get here?

Boss, "Go do your job. Come back when you're done."

Wei Yue was panicking. She didn't expect that she would be dragged into this mess. Wei Yue's eyes watered and she tried to play the pitiful card but she had forgotten what kind of people she hired to do this job.

Kidnapper B, "Ouu. Look at her face, it looks so smooth and soft. I can't wait to taste her."

Wei Yue shook her head and muffled noises came from her gagged mouth. The two kidnappers took a step closer towards her and she tried to back away but being tied up, she didn't get very far.

Kidnapper A reached out and grabbed Wei Yue's bound up legs and dragged her to him. Wei Yue tried to kick but Kidnapper A but his hold on her was stronger, and so her legs remained in his possession. He clicked his tongue at her and took out a small switch blade, "Tsk tsk tsk, be careful here little lady. I don't want to have to hurt you."

Wei Yue stopped moving after she saw the switch blade, her eyes filled with fear. Kidnapper A laughed, exposing his uneven and yellow teeth. He cut off the rope that tied her legs together.

As soon as she felt her legs become free, Wei Yue kicked with all of her strength and knocked Kidnapper A back. "Aish!"

Kidnapper B was laughing on the side, "Haha! You should've just been rough with her from the start!"

Kidnapper A's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. He reached for Wei Yue's legs once more and yanked her over to him. He raised his rough hands and slapped her across the face. "You little b*tch! I f*cking told you to stay still. Since you don't want me to be nice, I'll make sure you regret your little decision!"

Wei Yue saw stars after being slapped so hard. He cheek ached where he had made contact with her skin and it started to swell. Kidnapper A pulled out the knife and sliced open her dress.

As soon as her undergarments were exposed, the two kidnappers whistled, "Looks like we got lucky."

Wei Yue was wearing a sexy red bra and underwear with black lace. Though her body was still developing, she wasn't lacking. Her breasts were a B cup and she had a nice curve body.

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