Young Master (XIII)

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Long Zixi gazed at her, her eyes were full of hope. But just as she expected a hand reaching out to her, she had forgotten that she wasn't the one who he was acquainted with nor did she remember that he was willing to sign as a witness.

Long Zixi's voice was cold and without any emotions, "You did this to yourself."

Wei Yue's fairy tale like world shattered at his words. The man that she had been trying so hard to gain his attention, had just cut off her only remaining life jacket. Tears started pouring out as she shook her head, "No... No! Why? I... No."

Though it hurt Mr. and Mrs. Wei to see their daughter broken down like this, they needed to steel their hearts. They knew that she needed major help and she wasn't going to get better if she remained at home. Their hopes were that she could heal and become better so that she could at least live a normal life.

Wei Yue sank down onto her knees and cried out her heart. Though it may seem like she was heartbroken about being sent away, she was actually crying about having been kick out of her rightful place and instead of seeing her wrongs, she was actually trying to think of ways to get back at Wei Xiao.

Wei Yue had thought that someone would'e come and comforted her, but no one came. She sat on the ground cried until she couldn't any further. Even the servants didn't dare to move, if their employers who were her parents didn't go and comfort her. Did they grow enough balls to think that they could go? No, they still had underdeveloped balls that were the size of a raisin. The only person who could say that they had tennis size balls were Butler Wang, but at this moment he truly felt nothing for the young miss.

Wei Yue faced her head downwards because she was afraid that if they saw her eyes, they would know that she wasn't the least bit remorseful but rather seething with hatred. Knowing that she had no other choice but to sign the paper, Wei Yue cursed Wei Xiao a thousand times in her heart. Wei Yue's shaky hands gripped onto the the pen on the table and signed her name at the bottom.

After signing her name, she breathed out a deep sigh. Her eyes were puffy and still red from her crying a little while ago, making her seem extremely vulnerable and delicate but Mr. Wei had made his decision a long time ago.

He took the papers from her and gave her a copy of the agreement. Next, eyed the servants. This gave them a bad foreboding thought that they would soon be 'sorted' out. They had been with the Wei Family for long enough that they knew better to mess with Mr. Wei, but because of Wei Yue's outrageous demands and dictatorship they couldn't refuse.

Even though they weren't technically at fault, they were still partially to blame for letting things occur to this degree. They all silently prayed that they wouldn't be all taken away. From the rumors of the senior servants, not only would they be dealt with but their family as well.

Most of the servants were just nervous from Mr. Wei's glare but those who had turned their backs or turned a blind eye, they were the ones that were bathing in their own cold sweat at this moment. They silently scolded themselves in their hearts for either being too greedy or being to stupid at the moment and was coerced into her plans.

Mr. Wei's voice rang loud and clear, "Clean out the trash, I have no need for them."

Butler Wang bowed and snapped his fingers, less than two seconds afterwards a large group of men in black suits came in. They directly went to one side of the hall and grabbed a handful of servants and dragged them away. The first couple of servants started screaming and begging to be let go. They swore over and over that they would never do it again.

Wei Xiao's eyebrow scrunched up and he groaned, catching the attention of his parents and Long ZIxi. Long Zixi reached over and traced his fingers over Wei Xiao's eyebrow to sooth him. Mr. Wei shot a look at his men, telling the to silence those who were making a ruckus. The men in black would knock out whoever was screaming or begging. This scared many of the other ones and they decided to shut their mouths.

Very soon, the hall became quiet once more. It was if what happened earlier was just an imagination, taking back that some servants were missing. Mr. Long voice trailed off as he was speaking, "I hope that you all will take this as a lesson and learn from it, if not..."

The servants all quickly responded, "Yes, master!"

Bao Bao whistled. <Host, your dad is like a mafia boss.>

<Mafia boss?>

<Yeah, you know those round belly Italian guys who wear flashy clothes and smokes a cigar?> At least that's what jie jie told me...


<Oh... well your dad is like that. Except Bao Bao can see that he's very handsome.>

<...> Are you checking out my father?

<Mmm... at least the stupid female lead is gone for now. You can rest at ease- Hey! Why haven't you taken your hand away from my host yet!> Wu! This guys is infuriating! Why does he keep touching my host! Keep your paws away!

Long Zixi who had been touching Wei Xiao's face, felt as if someone was looking at him and turned his head. Bao Bao jumped at Long Zixi's glare. Hey! You don't have to be so scary! Host is Bao Bao's baby! So... stop! You crazy... crazy deviant!

Seeing that no one was there, Long Zixi turned back around. He gently gazed at the sleeping young man's face with a faint smile on his lips. He then spots those delectable pale lips and felt the urge to kiss it. He wondered how soft they would be, how they would taste. Hearing his thoughts, Long Zixi was shocked at himself. He shook his head. What's wrong with me? (A/N: Boy you are falling in love that's what! Hehe~)

Long Zixi wanted to pull his hands away but found that he couldn't and lightly brushed against Wei Xiao's lip once. Then, twice. The he found himself doing it again for the fifth time. He quickly retracted his hand. A conflicting feeling grew in his heart.

Just as he was lost in thought, a servant announced that his parents had arrived. Long Zixi looked up to see his mother and father strolling into the hall. They had their arms hooked and their walking speed matched with each other's perfectly. Mr. and Mrs. Long had a smile on their face as they greeted their old friend, "Sorry that we came late. We just finished settling some affairs."

Mr. Wei, "It's no problem. Thank you for coming."

Wei Yue who had seen that she might still have a chance at getting with Long Zixi, glanced at Mrs. Long. But the latter had ignored her completely and focused her attention on Mr. and Mrs. Wei instead. Wei Yue was lost to why she would receive such a cold treatment from Mrs. Long, just two days ago they were chatting happily with each other.

Wei Yue thought that maybe it was just her imagination, but little did she know that her dirt was already uncovered and there was no hope in ever receiving the warm welcoming that she had always had before. Mrs. Long had already cut her off, she wouldn't take a her chances in helping to raise a white-eyed wolf*.

(White-eyed wolf: someone who is ungrateful.)

Mr. Wei, "Thank you for both coming here."

Mrs. Long, "No, it should be our duty. After all, we are their godparents. We haven't been doing our job, this is the least that we could do."

Mrs. Wei gave Mrs. Long a grateful smile, who also returned one to her. Mr. Long ordered Butler Wang, "Take miss Yue back to her room. Help her pack her things and make sure that everything is prepared for tomorrow."

With just that one sentence, Wei Yue's hope in being able to talk with Mrs. Long to have her help her was gone. Wei Yue reluctantly stood up and followed Butler Wang out of the hall, but on her way out she heard their conversation.

Mrs. Wei, "We would like to propose something and we hope that you would be willing to accept our request."

Mr. and Mrs. Long both looked at each other and slightly nodded their heads. Mrs. Wei, "We would like for our Xiao'er to stay at your place, for four more months until we finish our work overseas."

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