Special Release: Arc 3 - Injection

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Allen was in the process of completing the vaccination for the Z-virus. It has been half a year since the destruction of the Black Order. Now that the vermins within the army had been removed, the higher ups had handed down an order for every researcher to get the V-virus as a measure of protection. It was mandatory for the researchers, and it would be recorded down on file in the system. If they failed to do so, depending on their status and projection of results they could either risk being kicked out of the research facilities, or they would be forcibly dragged to the medical facility and injected with the solution. Allen was such that they would rather tie him up and inject the solution than lose him.

He was scheduled to have his vaccination in the afternoon at 14:00, but it was already 13:50 and he it didn't seem like Allen was planning to move from his spot any time soon. He was busy immersed in the world of research and had forgotten everything else. Looking through the scope of the microscope lens, Allen was gauging how the results were.

As he was wholly focused on his work, he didn't hear the knocks on the door neither did he hear the call of his name. The person who came in had on a grim face. He had forewarned this person here that if he didn't stop overworking himself, he would make sure that they would stay in bed to rest the next time. It seemed that they didn't heed his words.

He made his way and stood behind the unsuspecting person with a domineering aura. His face was full of black lines and the colors of his sapphire eyes deepened.

Allen was too engrossed in his work when he was abruptly spun around and forced to meet with two frightening eyes. He knew the look that swirled in those dark voids and felt a daunting feeling for his waist. Allen whispered, "Noel?"

They gave off a smile that wasn't quite a smile, "En."

Allen knew that he was in quite the trouble as today he wasn't even supposed to work, but here he was... working. He hurriedly gripped onto the other's wrist with both of his hand, "Noel, this... I can explain. T-14 was finally available and I-"

Noel placed a finger on his lips, "Allen, what did I tell you before?"

Allen looked down guilty, "'Stay home until I come pick you up."

Noel lifted his chin so that Allen's eyes could meet his, "Then you know what's to come?"

Allen opened his mouth to try and defend himself but he ended up closing it because he knew he was in the wrong. Noel had been worried for his health because he had been excessively working the past couple of months like a mad man. Allen pursed his lips and whispered very softy, "Mmn. I know..."

Noel leaned down and captured his lips. He was like a voracious man stranded out in the desert that had finally found an oasis. He greedily sucked on his lips and tongue. Allen could feel his blood rushing to the skin, daring to rip through that delicate skin and muscle at any moment from the violent attacks. He could only give into the other man's desire as he felt his air getting sucked right out of his lungs.

Noel didn't leave a single space inside of the other's mouth untouched. When he finally pulled away, Allen had to lean on him for support as he tried to catch his breath. His eyes were misty and held droplets of tears behind his glasses, his cheeks were beautifully flushed with a pink hue, and his lips were swollen and slightly parted revealing that dashing soft tongue inside. His bruised lips were healing beautifully with the help of the V-virus.

Noel had to restrain his urge of wanting to take the man right now, he would reap a bigger reward if he waited until later. He licked Allen's lip and nipped at them once more, "Let's go. It's time."

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